We scheduled our POD to be moved, so that we could unload it over the New Year's 3 day weekend. Had several people lined up to move the boxes, many of which are very large, and they called last minute today and said they were going to need to reschedule. Why? because of 1-3 inches of snow on the ground. We HAVE to get this stuff moved this weekend!
We are now forced to go get a UHAUL today and move the stuff OUT of the POD and into a UHAUL to get it moved! I am calling my credit card company to refuse all charges and this horrible company can come get their freakin POD and stick it!
We will NEVER use them again, nor will we give reference to others to use them. This has been extremely inconveniencing as we are a business and cannot wait 5 more days to move!
I am extremely disappointed and quite upset at their excuse to reschedule. We live in PA for crying out loud! 3 inches of snow is nothing and it has already melted on the roads!