Pogstone Finance (Pty) Ltd
My name is Daisy Rantshi. I reside at no 35 Block “TT” Soshanguve. On the 28th May 2011 I wanted to check my credit record at a certain financial institution, I found out that there is a company called Pogstone Finance (Pty) Ltd that has put my name on the Blacklist, they say I took out a loan from them on 13-3-2008. And I don’t know them, and I don’t understand how the loan was approved and who signed for it, the amount on the loan is R 14581.00.
I tried to look on the internet for them and there is no address or phone numbers or any contact details. Can you please help me with my problem, because now I can’t get any credit on my name, due to the fact that they blacklisted me on the credit bereau. I don’t even know them . On my bankstatements there is no debit order or deduction whatsoever. I also have not receive the money I apparently loan from them.
My work address is 964 Park street
Contact no: (012) 342-1092 (work)
(076) 1332 703 (Cell)
Daisy Rantshi