I thought I'd inform people of some troubles I have been having with a site called pokerprizes.com. A while ago, I signed up for the site, and my friends and I have together accumulated over $1000 worth of points. Now when I try to cash out of the site... it closes down... for MONTHS!
Numerous emails to the once good-hearted admin have been left unanswered. I have been waiting to cash out a $250 gift card for quite a while... I emailed him about 7 times so far reguarding the status of getting the site working, as well as trying to cash out my gift. All of my emails from the last month have been left unanswered. This is extremely frustrating. I have recieved a $50 gift card from this site in the past... but ever since then, it has gone WAY WAY WAY down hill. Chris, please step up your game and do something about the broken down site...
I will bet quite a few other members of this site have some interesting stories to tell about this cursed site.