US FORECLOSURE RELIEF does not operate anymore, they shut down their predatory and illegal operations to give birth to a more sofisticated way to rip people off, now they are under the umbrella of Attorney Adrian Pomery and their business name is POMERY AND ASSOCIATES, POMERY & ASSOCIATES. George Escalante, his brother Jim Escalante and Feisal Cortez are the crooked thieves running this absolute scam. And I challenge you to believe that this is a real scam, for them every new case, is just another sale and after the people pays, that people means absolutely nothing. DO NOT ENGAGE BUSINESS WITH POMERY AND ASSOCIATES aka POMERYLAW.COM
If you call them they will tell you that, yes, they are wonderful and that the people that criticizes them are looser but they just want your money and once you give the money to them, you are absolutely worthless for them. You are just another great sale on their sales board and you have contributed for the expensive $15-K rolex watches that they give away in sales contest. While you! the struggling home owner, have to wait and lack sleep.
This company, when it used to be US Foreclosure Relief, they took thousand, and I really mean it, thousand of dollars from people all over the nation, they betrayed and destroyed the hopes of hundreds of peoples including seniors, their homes got foreclosed and yet, the co-owner, George Escalante and his militia of crooks continue to operate.
i really hope that this people get jail time and most importantly, put FOREVER OUT OF BUSINESS!!
Even their website is so poorly constructed and lacks important information.
javier q