Loan finder works by collecting personal information with a view to assisting you to find the best loan or credit card etc, as you progress through the site it confirms there will be No charges for this but in small print after you have entered your personal account information is states that a charge will be applied for there service, even when you cancel your progress through there site, without agreeing to anything they retain your information and charge you regardless, then they share information with there umberella/sister conpanies and charge you again for the finding a good credit card deal which you never asked for.
Charges come out of your and your powerless to stop it, to appeal you have to get the bank on your side and send multiple letters disputing the legality, they never give money back and they should be named and shamed invetigated by the Police and through watchdog.
The names they use are :
Post Net Bounmouth,
CGS credit card service.
Payment Guard
Any link to Loanfinders spin off accounts are the same. BE Warned., they prey on people already having dificulty with money