I've purchased two Apple products (laptop and iPhone) and have had horrible experiences with them both.
The laptop (PowerBook G3 Wallstreet) crashed more often than the Wright Bros. It crashed or froze 3 times a day. It would say "you've experienced an error of -3" or some such cryptic message. I mail ordered this thing and lived in E. TX, so there was no local support at all and no one who could tell me if this was unusual behavior or not. I was stupid, I guess, and never considered that Apple would actually help me with this (remember, I had mail ordered it and didn't know anyone else who owned an Apple), so I did not call them about it - I just thought that this is how they work. After putting up with this garbage for 6 months, I shelved the computer, bought an IBM and never looked back.
After 10 years of muttering bad things about Apple, I decided to try again. I bought an iPhone. Because I now live in Brasil, where iPhones cost >$1000, I purchased a second-hand one thru eBay in the US. It came with a defective battery - it lasts about 30 minutes on a full charge. Now, the fact that I purchased a phone with a bad battery isn't Apple's fault, but the fact that I can't replace the ONE CONSUMABLE PART in a phone is! $200 later, I have a working phone. PLUS, the iPhone is the one phone that doesn't like to be moved from one place to the next. Every time I update the firmware thru iTunes, it re-locks itself to AT&T. I called Apple's "award winning support" (their phrase) and was told that unlocking it was the only thing I could do, but of course, they couldn't help me do that.
So, no, I can't imagine ever buying another Apple product again. Sure, a lot of people have good experiences with them, but I'm now 0 for 2 and about $3500 down, and not willing to gamble that I'll be one of the lucky ones this time.