March 24, 2011
They need to be stopped
I won several items and spent money on bids at Powerhousebids penny auction site. This was Nov. 13-14-15. They sent me an email that they were refunding my money that I had spent on the bids and the money that I had spent winning the items. I had not done anything wrong at all. I received the email on Nov. 17th. I tried to reach them to ask why and couldn't get in touch with anyone. They sent the refund money that I'd paid to Alert Pay back to Powerhousebids. They never moved the money. I got nothing!! They owe me a Toshiba laptop, WII bundle, $700 diamond earrings, camera, all in $50 denominations gift cards from American Express, visa, Home Depot, Target etc. I want these people closed for good. They are crooks, they never ship out anything. They went offline for a week or so and when they returned...my whole account with winnings had been erased as if I had never won anything, but I have kept every email they sent. I have the proof. They need to be in jail and I would gladly be the first in line to put them there. If anyone knows how to help me..please contact me. I will do all I can to see that they are never scamming people again. I have never been treated like a fool such as this and I want my revenge!!! I think they should have to refund my money, ship my items, which I don't even think they have, and be put out of business. Just plain trash.. that is all they are. Ca trash. I think there was a Powerhousebids working out of Ok. also. Wherever they are, they're trash and need to be stopped. Jeanne White Help if you can.