PRADA JAPAN decided to open all their stores. All office staffs are taking weekend off but they decided to make the store staffs work at dangerous huge department where are the worst place to escape to large land.
We just had huge earthquakes which was of magnitude 8.9. Most of people are still panicked I can't buy water at seveneleven because of sold-out. and we even dont know what is going on next. TSUNAMI doesn't come any more? How many people died or are going to? Are we OK now? could I survive? who knows? We still have tons of middle or small earthquakes even while midnight. last night I stayed at train station because most of trains werent working. I couldn't sleep at all.
I think other staffs might be still frightened of earthquakes too. Who can perform best service to customer when our loved ones and we might be going to die? PRADA doesn't care about their store staffs and their family.