I just got screwed over by this company!<br /><br />
He did one mailer for me and it worked great received 40 calls closed 4 deals made 20k in fees <br /><br />
Sent another check - never received any calls from it Dan Taylor said he was working on finding out what happened said he would re-mail the mailer never got any calls now I can't get ahold of him.<br /><br />
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Are all mortgage lead companys crooks?<br /><br />
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Atlas Marketing screwed me also!<br /><br />
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Now due to all the good things posted on Broker Outpost I am giving Raymond a shot<br /><br />
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Anyone with similar story's on Atlas or Precesion please e-mail me your numbers so we can jointly complain [email protected] <br /><br />
Lets class action personally and on company call me or e-mail