Somehow these folks got my cell phone number and began sending me unsolicited text messages such as, "Will Paris Hilton get married in 2007? Vote yes or no." Each messages caused a charge of approximately .30 to my TracFone. This happened numerous times per day over the course of more than a year causing me significant charges.
I googled the busines contact information and sent a certified letter in late Fall of 2008. It was returned to me marked "Attemtped-Not Known" and "n/s/eo" or "n/s/co" on December 9, 2008.
Apparently this company is allowed to act as a parasite on your phone service with impunity because they do not allow access or feedback, vis-a-vis one cannot call them back, return and e-mail or send them a letter.
I finally was forced to change my cell phone number because according to TracFone's representative, there was nothing I could do, although the first call I made to them, a young lady told me she'd taken care of it and that I should call back in 10-14 days. I did so, and the new young lady did not know what I was talking about and said that they could not do anything to block the messages. She said my only choice was to get a new phone number (I had had the old one for years...). So I did it to make the messages stop. Interestingly, the next time I called TracFone, they said I need not have changed my number afterall. Go figure...
I am on the FCC Website (Federal Communications Commission) at the moment and am about to file a formal complaint. I also plan to take them to small claims court. Gee, I should get a default judgment because the only corporate address they have listed is bogus... But then again, collecting a Judgment from a anon-existent ghost parasite may prove difficult.
If anyone out there has any ideas or any experience with this unehtical parasitic company in the capacity I have described above, please e-mail me at
[email protected]. I will welcome your comments. Thank you. A in Arlington