This is a warehouse, I was a hilo driver over there, the owners decided they wanted to make it required that all the dockman working in the warehouse have their CDL (truck operator license). They decided they would pay for qualified applicants to get their CDL through the company, my driving record is clean, to get your CDL you need to be 21 years of age, I will be 21 in 5 months, they told me I was still going to be able to qualify because the training to get your CDL is 6 months long, so by the time I was done training I would be 21 and would be able to obtain my CDL anyway. A few weeks later they told me I wasn't accepted, and when I mentioned to them that they told me I was still going to be able to qualify they denied ever saying it. About a month later I was laid off.
That's not the only problem though. The company pays weekly, and week after week 65 to 70% of the employees were shorted on their checks. Everytime we said something to them about it they would say "well we'll add the shorted money to your next paycheck" but they always failed to do so. Today I picked up my last paycheck, I worked 58 hours and 15 min total, and I only got paid for 36 hours. I have rent to pay but I guess to them it doesn't matter.