Premier Promotions is merely the Richmond, VA version of the same scams that are mentioned previously with alternative names, ie. Quantum, Rising Sun, etc, etc, BUT Premier has added a new twist--
Perhaps what they do is not EXACTLY illegal, but it sure borders on it, and can definitely be described as unethical and, in my opinion, immoral. They dangle the carrot of "having your own business in a few months", depending on how hard you are willing to work...
The place is a never ending turnstile of new and desperate (remember I just finished my first AND LAST day with them!)applicants who will be 'direct marketing' car wax, DARE, Directv, cosmetic products, etc..they need continuous flow of people because only about 1 in 10 is dumb enough not to see the writing on the wall ! After you go thru 2 hours of their rudimentary and sophomoric 'training", all the while being forced to stand without leaning on the walls, you are driven to the 'event'... to be on your feet for another 8 hours or more!
I am an old guy with MANY letters after my name and former owner of a few of my own business in the past. I have had some tuff money times and thought I could use all my experience to leap frog much of their protocol, but they treated me just like the high school drop out with whom I had to spend the whole day pushing Nascar wax and fixing windshield chips.
THAT is the NEW TWIST-- through Apple Auto Glass, in Texas, this group is now repairing chipped auto glass-- after seeing how it was done one time, I was supposedly trained! The polymer never cured on several repairs that my trainer did.
The morning chanting and such is like being in a cult or junior league type sports team..Loud music does not pump me up -- It is annoying!
The GOOD NEWS -- I only wasted about 1 and a half days-- AND I hope this gets out to all on the net to warn them of this piece of crap company!