Wow where do I start. I have never seen sales tactics like this before. The product seems to be a good product but the way they sell it is horrific. They target you and the hone in like wild dogs. I had my children with me so I was a little distracted. They come to you use the exfoliating scrub on your hand to lure you to the cart. Once they get you there they start trying all kinds of products on you. Pointing out flaws that you may not even have. All of that is ok, I am in sales and you have to use some sales tactics, but it becomes bad when the prices are marked up 50-75% and then they start acting as if they are giving you deals and doing you favors. They will say if you buy 2 today at this price I will give you 1 free or 1 for half the price. Everytime you try to walk away they try to sell you more and more and more. Its ridiculos. If you truly believe in your product, let the product speak for itself. If it truly works, believe me the customer will be back.
I paid twice the amount of the product online. I called the owner of the cart that evening and I told him I felt taken advantage of and I didn't appreciate it. I told him I would bring all the products back and he could start over and sell me the products at the appropriate price and he can keep all his so called freebies. I don;t need them. He told me no problem, come down and we will take care of you.
When I went down there he proceeded to tell me that he could not give me the internet pricing because I paid less if he totals up all the free or discounted products. I told him he can take all those products back and keep them and I will just payfor what I need. And when you throw in a product it is free, you cannot now start totalling it up when you threw it in. I did not want it anyway.
He said he could not do that, and he prceeded to insult me and tell me that his time is money and he has already spent too much time with me. This is a far cry from the christian man I had met less than 24 hours ago. He changed his story and told me he could not take the products back and proceeded to give me more free products to make up for the difference. I told to stop, I don;t want anything else free I want to pay a fair honest price for whatever I get. I don't like this kind of business and I don't do business like this.
Anyway long story short they are con men. Do not buy from them. Go directly to the companys website and purchase or go to a reputable retailer to purchase the product. No one likes to be scammed, lied to and taken advantage of. Its a terrible feeling.
I will probably see him in court because its obvious with all the posts regarding these kiosks, this is a business tactic that is taught to these people, this is what they are known for and its really sad because it does seem to be a good product being sold by terrible people.
Be Ware!!!