We purchased our kitchen cabinets through Menards with a company called Prestige. We were told by Menards staff Prestige sells higher quality cabinets then their other vendors. We have had nothing but disaster after disaster... We received our cabinets and found several doors and cabinets scratched, chipped and poorly put together. We called and had them replaced on a "rush order". After 5 weeks of waiting we received the replaced cabinets and doors. One of the cabinets had an obvious crack along the back. We tried calling Prestige direct and they told us "they could not talk to us directly but would have to go through the vendor". After another 5 weeks we received our last and final cabinet. At least we thought it was the last cabinet... turns out it was the wrong style and we are currently in our 3rd set of 5 weeks" waiting to complete our kitchen.
Prestige preaches on quality and workmanship. In our opinion you will find higher quality cabinets from the "put-it-together-yourself" particleboard cabinets at Target or Walmart.