October 1, 2010
Great Company
You are very much misinformed. Credible research on Primerica would be the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, MSNBC, FOX news, etc. Primerica has the best customer satisfaction rating in the industry. They market over 11, 000 mutual funds and investments and always do what's right for the consumer. Unlike insurance companies who sell whole life and universal life insurance products. The real discussion should not be corporate structure, which is the same as other companies, but the absolute scam that is whole life and variable life insurance.
It is unfortunate that you would believe uneducated people on opinion blogs. Primerica is not an MLM. They are not registered as an MLM with any Corporation Commission, in any state. As for the $99, which Primerica reimburses the representative, this fee is paid to the state for the life insurance license class, and background check and does not go to Primerica. Other insurance companies make the agents pay for their own licensing costs!
Some people would rather blame a company, than look at themselves and admit they could not succeed. If they were a scam they would not be listed on the NYSE, registered with FINRA, SEC or the NASD and Warburg Pincus would not have invested $230 million in their IPO, April 1, 2010. I'm sure they did their due diligence on Primerica. It is hard to argue with someone who is looking for a way out, rather than a way to succeed.
February 20, 2009
Stay away!
Not to talk good or bad about this company but this company does have a down fall. I am an agent of this company. Primerica likes to hype people up get them excited. And of course you'll be too I think. But the truth is that they wanna hire u... no matter who u are. 99 dollars and your in. They get you in by telling you, "you can make a lot of money, more then what ur making at you job" that's a lie... truly you can not make that much money. Here's why:
They say you work hard and you will get to RVP!!... Yeah uhuh!
Truth: you have to!! Hire a bunch of people. And that what this company is mainly about. No matter how had you work at it by yourself you'll never get there your contract will always be LOW... you may be the highest producer but you will never get to RVP cause u need to hire alot of people
they say you can make it big BUCKs!!!
When you go to the meeting or OP nights... listen CAREFULLY see if your still interested... they call if overrides... basically means the if the person with a higher level then you hires you and you work hard finding people and then sell a policy to your family. They get about 60% of the money you earn and you get 10% from that policy... they call it training
RVP's get a piece of that too... and he does not do anything.
It is a real business. I only use this business for tax write offs.