This company will get subscribers and recruits to drink their magic potion and get you wealthy. NOT! Beware, this company is just another multi-level marketing operation. It comes from good roots but has become just the financial services version of any other MLM. Their PFSL and PLICC products are marginal at best, there are SOOOOOO many real financial advisors out there who actually have proper training and experience in a variety of products that you will not have to deal with a life insurance agent who thinks they are Financial experts. The same grease still oooozes from those agents as has always in the Life Insurance Industry. BEWARE because they are wolfs in sheep's clothing. Your friends relatives and neighbors. Someone will get wealthy, will it be you?
Those who either become involved and drink from the chalice of the sacred Primerica oportunity or those who simply have contact with the virus of Primerica will be hounded relentlessly to become a part of their Citi Group sponsored scam. That's right Citi Group can you say OBAMA Bail Out! I new you can.
Steer clear don't get sucked in!