Credit Card Nightmare
After reading an article from a reputable journalist in Kelowna, BC, I decided to send away for my trial offer of Procleanse and Cho Yung Tea. I have not even started using the items but have already been charged $20.99 CAD and $85.87 CAD for additional supplements and tea. I just called my credit card company and a dispute has been filed. I will return the items via post, keep all paperwork and send it it my credit card company. In the meantime, I will not pay for these charges and my credit card company will not charge me overdue fees while in dispute. I urge others to do the same. The process may take 2 to 3 months but at least you will be rid of these unscrupulous companies. I have already sent them 6 e-mails but have only received an automated message back stating that my concerns are 'high priority'. They obviously have this scam down pat.
We may not be able to start a class action suit but at least let the author of the articles know that the products they are touting have a very serious flaw.
No company should automatically be allowed to charge our cards.