I discovered a charge on my American Express bill from a company known as Easy Saver Rewards Program for $14.95 a month. I thought this was a charge for my internet service due to it being same amount. The charges continued from at least June 2007. When I called Easy Saver Rewards, they indicated that I was "signed up" for the service when I checked a "free shipping" box on an order with Pro Flowers. Pro Flowers substantiated the way in which enrollment in the Easy Saver program occurred and referred to my checking the free shipping box and adding my zip code was my electronic signature and acceptance.
I canceled the "Easy Saver" program participation and demanded a full refund. I alerted American Express to the scam. I also have canceled a recent order with ProFlowers and notified them that they have lost a repeat customer. Any company which uses personal information for automatic enrollment in another company's service is engaging in deceitful business practices.