This is one of many complaints with the company and I decided to post some of them here since our Board isn't listening.
Back in August 2009, the AC went out in both Phase I & Phase II and when Robert Whitmore finally answered the discussion board he stated that they could not get the usual vendor Johnson COntrols out to service the problem unless they were paid the $10K owed to them for services rendered in June 2009.
Robert said nothing could be done. At least 65 of the 98 units filled with live tenants, unit owners and that is what he had to say. I went back and replied to Robert that it was unprofessional and irresponsible to put unit owners health at risk and to keep them in dire need because of their negligence. Of course he did not read the messge for he turned off the e-mail notice when new posts are added. A board member passed it on to him finally and told them they have to do something.
In essence the power went out in the area that caused the AC to go ff but Robert did not use that logic at all. A nother vendor came by to service the building and reset the power to the chillers on the roof and the AC was restored. What kind of management company representative doesn't know this?