These companies and the principal Tom Mckenzie take upfront fees and imply they will attain funding.
I would like to compound the previous complaints and warn individuals, companies and Brokers.Not only do they not produce what they initially claim but they engage (or Mr Mckenzie seems to) in a long drawn out process of dis information which is damaging and time wasting and the conclusion is the same.There has been no rebuttal of the complaints previously posted here which seems to be indicative.
Although Tom Mckenzie has put a general bland response to negative postings on the Internet
I can catecorically confirm that he posts outright lies.So that maybe gives the measure of this man and his reputation.
"That is being dealt with, with an offer of a refund is just a complete lie ".That seems to be his main profession.
How can he refund someone who has not paid him anything and never will.
If he has taken your money and not produced after charging for documentation ask for your money back.
Look out for a blog that will bring all his victims together and claim en mass.
If you look at all the questions being asked of him he as still not answered one positively Alleging to have funded projects since 1991 he actually is just a pedaller of nightmares that he charges for.