My name is Betty Moreland. My name has been Betty Moreland since I divorced in 2001. My name use to be Betty Majors. at which time I opened an account with you in 1995 or 1996. When I divorced I continued to make payments as often as I could on my card. You froze that card in 1999. No transactions have been made on that card since then. I made payments until my child was in an accident at which time his medical bills ran me over 200 thousand dollars. I contacted your office and told you that I was not able to make any payments.
January 2008 I received a letter from a Collection agency that stated that I recently opened this account at which time I tried to explain to them that I had not opened an account since 1998 and this must be a case of identity theft. I also explained to them that the address that was used to open that account was not and never had been my address. I have not had aVisa, Master Card, or any other major credit card since 1998.
My son was involved in a accident in 2004 and my medical expenses have been so high that I would not dare try to open a major credit card account. I am presently being taken to court in 2010 for this debt. This debt is over 13 years old if this is the same credit card account that I opened years ago . I am requesting any records that you may have on this debt for legal purposes. The debt is with Portfolio Recovery Associates of Providian National Bank and their acct # is 26002924-H.
I would like to have this issue resolved before January 10, 2010. If you have any questions please call me at 615 568 9365.
Thank you
Betty Moreland (6566)
PO Box 41464 Nashville TN 37204