This is a monopoly at its best. They charge a delivery and supply charge for delivering gas and electric services to customers. Get this, the delivery charge is 1/2 the amount of the supply!
What other way can one get gas and electricity delivered EXCEPT via their network. If I could pick it up in my truck, I would.
And this is done with the blessings of the Public Board of Utilities, the entity in charge of policing them.
If you are late paying your bill, they will cut your service off even if you are on life support! Life support means can mean having an asthmatic child who needs air conditioning and or a nebulizer machine. They don't give a "sh__"
And, get this - there is no other company to go to get energy. And there was a supposed break up of this monopoly.
And, get this too - PSEG has a program called USF that assists low-income families with energy payments, wherein that family uses as much energy as they want and pays only $5 -- thats right $5 towards the cost of the bill. Here's the kicker: Your income cannot exceed $5000 per year. WHO THE HECK CAN LIVE IN NJ ON $5000 PER MONTH!
I'm like ready to install a wood burning stove and give PSEG the finger.
Customer service is nearly non existent. If you visit one of their payment offices, you will see arm police officers, it looks as if Homeland Security is guarding the President!
Disgruntled workers they are - understandbly so, since they got rid of 1/2 their workers a few years back. Mix less workers with customers who can't pay and yes, Homeland Security shouldbe on the scene - ugly, ugly ugly.
No wonder NJ is experiencing a mass exodus, this couple with high property taxes and politicians who are out of their mind - I'm on my way!