I also went to work for PTL and the person that wrote this post is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!!! I had the EXACT same experience with this company with even more harassment, abuse, neglect, rudeness, etc!!!
First of all, you have to take a greyhound to get to Paducah, KY. Then after riding on a bus for 2 days you have to stand outside the bus station and wait for the van from PTL to come and get you. They don't get in any hurry. They know exactly how many people to pick up, so it was strange to me that half of the new drivers had to wait for a second van trip. So drivers that have already been riding on a bus for 1-4 days are waiting outside in the hot (or cold as the case may be) are waiting outside for up to 3-4 hours with no food or water or anything else for a ride to the hotel. Note... They have plenty of vans and full time van drivers to keep this from happening. They just don't care! They are rude when they get there and talk to you like you have the plague or something. I mean they don't even say hello. It's something like "hurry up and get your ass in the van". I'm not exaggerating.
Then you get to the hotel and find it really is just as the previous poster stated. A total Shit hole! Even the hotel employee's were rude. They get a new group of PTL drivers in twice a week and they really just don't want to deal with the new group. You absolutely have to either pay for your own room or have a room mate. They rate is 99.00. Which is amazing since the hotel is so nasty. I honestly feel that if you walked in off the street it wouldn't be that much. (It costs more for PTL employees?!?)
The next day is spent exactly as the previous poster explained. Drug test first thing. Then waiting for hours and hours to finally get to the terminal. This wait is also unnecessary. Like I said they just don't care. The whole time you are still being talked to very rudely. Even if you try to be nice and start a conversation, they just look at you like your crazy. I simply said good morning as I got on the van, and the driver just huffed and said hurry up and get in! Then the driver got out and smoked a cigarette and left us sitting on the van with no A/C for no good reason at all!!! I was starting to get sick from the heat and started to get out before I passed out. Then the driver yelled at me again and finally got in and took us to the terminal. I've never been treated so horribly! So far I've only described the GOOD things about PTL!
Orientation was pretty normal although the rude looks and talk continued the whole time. It was paperwork and videos. You did have "homework" every night and they did take it up, but it was no big deal really. Homework took about 15 min to complete. The next day was more of the same rudeness, eye rolling, huffing and puffing, etc..
Now it's time to get a truck... boy oh boy is this a nightmare!!!
OK, the man over assigning the trucks comes in and says he has trucks all over the country. (I've never seen a company do this before). He tells us what kind of truck it is (Freight liner or international) and how old. The internationals are mostly VERY old. Then he asks for volunteers to go in the van to get their trucks. Some of these trucks were 2 days away!! They expected that everyone on the van would help drive and just sleep on the van on the way to get the trucks! INSANITY!! Each person was paid a flat rate to go get their truck (it wasn't much) and clean the truck out.
There is NO AMOUNT OF MONEY worth cleaning out some of these trucks. I was lucky. My truck was in the best shape of the ones I saw. It didn't have trash in it! The floor was full of dirt. Not just dirty, I mean about an inch deep caked up nasty funk on the floor. Including in the sleeper on the carpet. This dirt (or dried mud) or whatever it was was caked with animal hair or some sort. This hair was in every nook and cranny (I'm severely allergic to cats so this really concerned me. If it had been cat hair I would have ended up going to the hospital! Apparently it was dog hair.) Every inch of the inside walls of the truck was BLACK. The drivers seat was BLACK. Not just dirty but caked up with funk. My hands were black from just getting inside the truck. Everything I touched was greasy with black gunk. The walls in the sleeper were black as were the curtains. I can't even begin to imagine what it was or how it could have gotten so nasty.
The sleeper... OMG!!! The mattress was BLACK with holes all in it!!! Top and bottom bunk!!! The top bunk was wet with urine!!! I don't know if it was human or animal but it was definitely soaked wet with urine! I threw it out both mattresses! The smell was indescribable!!! I cleaned for a whole day to get this truck where I could just stand to be inside of it. Just when I thought it was getting decent enough to actually start the truck and turn on the A/C it got worse!!! When I turned on the A/C I found out that the previous driver had URINATED in all the vents!!! Once again, can you even begin to imagine the smell??? I sat down at this point and considered a good cry... I ended up walking to a dollar store and getting Febreze and just pouring it into the vents. Now it smelled like I had drank the Febreeze and pee'ed it back into the vents. Well, it was the best I could do.
At this point the truck had been running about 15 minutes total. I got a message over the Qualcomm that I was over idle and to turn the truck off or be terminated!!! Unbelievable!!! I ignored that message! I was hot, tired and very P. O.'ed! I dragged the nasty urine soaked mattresses to the shop dumpster and went it to ask if I could get a new one. I was very polite and my exact words were.." I'm cleaning out my truck and the mattress is pretty bad. It's out by the dumpster if you want to see it. I need a new one please." The little jerk at the shop window leaned out and actually POKED me in the chest and said, " LOOK MOTHER-FU*&ER, I have more important S*&T to do than worry about your FU*&^NG mattress!!!" At this point I was used to rudeness, but this was just INSANITY! He had no right to put his hands on me!!! Did I mention I'm female??? Good thing for him cause If I had been a male I would have beat him to a pulp! I'm just sayin!!! I should still press harassment charges on this company. But, honestly I'm not a whiner! They never gave me a mattress!!! I ended up getting on at the other terminal in Memphis. The lady in the office there just ordered it from Freight Liner since I was stuck there all weekend anyway.
Just a side note. After getting the truck where I could stand to even be inside of it, I got my first load. This load was Approx 100miles and I had to sit from Friday till Tuesday morning to get unloaded!!! While I was sitting there someone knocked on my truck door. It was a lady that had gone thru orientation after my group. She was absolutely in tears and asked me if I would please help her. I was worried about her so I told her I'd try. Come to find out, she had just been taken to her truck by the van and dropped off. Her truck was so bad that you really couldn't stay in it at all! When I walked over and she opened the passenger door Trash fell out in an avalanche. The truck was over a foot deep in trash! Human and animal URINE and FECES! It had been locked up for days baking in the sun! You could actually smell it before the door was opened. It had maggots crawling in it. I told her that I absolutely could NOT help her clean that mess!!! But I let her use my cell to call PTL. They ended up giving her a comchek for 100.00 and told her to find someone to clean it out for her. They just left her stuck with it!!! She found some "girls" in the parking lot and they cleaned it for 150.00!!! So she was out 50.00 from her own pocket! It was still nasty! Nothing could fix that mess! It needed to be burned to the ground! YUCK!
Ok so... I never met my dispatcher face to face (also a good thing I'm female). He cussed and was rude just in general conversation. I quit even trying to talk to him on the phone because of this, I only used the qualcomm. He refused to call me by my name and would only refer to me as SIR! I asked him in writing on the qualcomm repeatedly not to refer to me as SIR but he would just answer with "ok SIR". Sounds like harassment to me, don't you think?
On my second load my truck broke down. It would run for about 20 mins and just die. It took hours to get anyone on the phone. They had me try all kinds of things all night long. Fuses, repriming the fuel, etc... I never signed up to be a mechanic, but I was still doing all this without a word of protest. I just wanted to get going again. I was running out of money! PTL won't give you an advance until you have a paycheck coming. They said paperwork hadn't been processed yet (despite the fact that I transflo'ed it all in) so they wouldn't let me draw any money. At this point... I'm broke down, I'm tired, and I'm really hungry, and I don't have anymore money! I'm starting to get scared cause I'm 1000 miles from home, without a dime to my name, broke down, and I need to eat something. A driver gave me a package of ramen noodles and that was all I had until the next afternoon! This was a total nightmare!
At this point, I'm starting to itch really bad. Come to find out, the truck was infested with bed bugs!!! When I finally got some cash I had to wash my clothes 5 times to get rid of them. Not to mention all the bugspray and crap that I breathed in the cab of that truck!
Took several days to get truck fixed... It was just more and more bullshit!
I put in for hometime. I had been out for 21 days total! Notice that I only pulled 2 loads
It took me another week to get home. I asked for 3 days off. I was not happy to go back out with PTL, but I was really in a financial bind from the past month and thought surely it would get better. The truck was now clean and not infested with bed bugs, and it had been fixed and was running OK.
As I was getting out of the truck a messaged beeped and told me that I had a load that I needed to leave out with in 2 days. I sent a message back that I had requested and EARNED 4 days, but only requested 3. I would be ready in 3 days! The next message I got simply said "CLEAN OUT YOUR TRUCK". I called and asked why and they said that if you parked the truck for more than 2 days that they would put another driver in it, and then send me to get the next truck that came available. I wasn't about to go through that again!!! So I did exactly that, I cleaned out my truck and haven't looked back!
I'm sure as soon as I send this I will think of even more horror stories about my short time with PTL. Honestly, I am tired of even thinking about all this again. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, and believe me, I've had some doozies! The previous poster wasn't lieing! If anything he was being pretty generous about PTL. It wouldn't even surprise me if the other 2 people who posted on here weren't some of the recruiters or higher ups with PTL. I didn't meet a single driver that was happy with them. I did meet a few that had been with them for awhile and they said that PTL used to be a decent company but had gone down hill. I also want to add that as of right I don't know of anybody that went through orientation with me that is still employed with PTL. It's just that bad, an I'm gonna scream it on every forum I can find :).