On October 2006 I placed an online order of diet supplements with a company called Thintabs.com. When placing my order, I was automatically signed up for an auto ship program. After receiving my initial order, I did not like the supplements and contacted thintabs via their support site called, " Intasupport.com" on November 17, 2006. This support site was provided to me though the thintabs.com website. I received a response from thintabs on November 20, 2006 at 10:35 PM stating, " Dear Dawn, Your account has now been refunded. Please allow up to 10 working days for refunds to be posted to your credit card statement. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this situation has caused. Thank you for your patience, The IntaSupport Team."
I thought the situation had been resolved based on that correspondence, which I am including. On November 6, I received a letter from American Express stating that my credit line had been reduced due to a collection on my credit report which they found during an account review. I called the credit agency, Equifax, ,and ordered a copy of my report. I then called the collection agency listed in my report, National Asset and Risk Management (400 Rouser Road #202, Coraopolis, PA 19108, phone 412-424-0250). I was told to write a letter disputing the claim. In the process of doing some research through my old emails and a web search trying to find the contact information for thintabs.com, I found many people who are having the same situation with the same company. Thintabs.com is no longer an Internet company and when I called the collection agency again to get their contact information, they refused to give it to me.
I do not owe thintabs anything as I did not keep the product they are billing me for. I canceled my automatic ship program with them. I would like this collection off of my credit report as, I feel, it is fraudulent. Please contact me with any questions or for additional information. I would like this taken care of as soon as possible, as I am a victim of fraud.
They are now usaveonpills.com or pure energy products. Their address is 1028 SW 59th Street, Oklahoma City, OK phone (405)631-2211. Fax 405-631-6380.