ms p lowe
December 22, 2009
unorthorized debit
I am insisting that no more unorthorized payments be taken from my account, as i didnt order any further product of PURELIFT!!! I have informed my bank not to let this payment be taken out in the future
December 14, 2009
unautorised cc transactions
I stupidly gave my cc details for postage of the free trial and they ended up giving my details to about 3 other companies who also took money it took me awhile to realize as it was only 7dollars here and there but it all added up of course. I got some back from my cc company but they still owe me about a $100. I also stupidly sent back the products thinking they would refund me...
December 12, 2009
Hello, I have also been subjected to these fraudsters, I signed up for a free-trial, and on the 3 December 09, $97.00(US)..I am so angry..how can these bogus companies get away with this..I came across an email for the Bogus Company if this may help some people, I just emailed them to tell them what I thought of them!!!the email is as follows: corporate@justhinkmedia.com
I wonder if I get a response, I bet NOT!!!
Lenice L
December 11, 2009
Taking money from my account
I have never heard of purelift or world fit, but somehow they have manage to take a whooping amount of money out of my bank account. I am a single mother it is nearly xmas and now i have nothing left will i ever get my money back I hope so because xmas is now on hold for my 5 children until it does.
December 3, 2009
Purelift Age-defying cream
I too replied to free trial offer. It was costing me $2.99 for postage which turned into $14.00.
I have since been charged 87.00 also for I don't no what. I have no details at all of how to cancel anything. I had a phone number but it does not connect. Help me please as I have spoken to my bank and they have said that I must cancel with this company before they can stop money going out of my account again. HELP!!!
November 21, 2009
I received my trial bottle of Purelift within 2 weeks. I thought I would give it a go but realising something in a bottle is not going to be as effective as made out to be, I thought I would return the unused portion (which was about 80 %) I had 3 numbers to call... funnily enough, not one was a real number!!! I googled the company only to find it was all a scam and money was coming out of peoples accounts daily, so I immediately rang my bank and cancelled my credit card which they had details for before they started taking money from it. Thankfully I cancelled it before they had taken any money out apart from the postage.
I have learnt my lesson and hope others will read these complaints and stop these nasty people!!!
mary stuart
November 4, 2009
unortharised money from account
bought trial they are taking from my credit card unortharised they are scammers cannot contact false phone number
Lee C
October 26, 2009
Ripped Off
I purchased what was advertised as a "free sample" of face cream which ended up costing me $18.99 + shipping...do not purchase PureLift! This month we were debited a further $79.95 + Foreign conversion fee. This is such a scam and the cream didn't do a thing.
October 14, 2009
unautherized debit
had free sample and today have been charged £37!
October 11, 2009
unauthorized charge
charged my card without my permission