I am a Professional Person, looking for a Retirement plan...I came across this website: www.pushbuttonpublishing.com.
I really accepted him at face value through what this website had said; it's authour Bryan Winters; In fact it is RICHARDSON!
I signed up; and was happy with the purchase. I wrote an email to ask for a particular product. Not ones but three times. Did I get a reply? No! not one. I since have called his number, and his voice mail came on giving the name Bryan Richards, or Richardson. I then began to feel more uneasy and then I wrote for a refund, do you think he wrote, according to his promises? No!
I have reapeatedly written to ask for my money back - Still No reply!
If any Server, or any company; or individual looks at this Website, Turn away, as this person Winters; Richards is a "Fraudster", and a "TOTAL SCAMMER". STAY AWAY FROM THE WEBSITE PushButtonPublishing.com
I have since built my own website e-book company. I will not be doing what this person is doing to other people!
I have copies of my emails, the only thing I will be conserned about is will he help himself through his Manmade Payment system from my card, having read Alfreds comments?! People Opportunity seekers, Stay away; if you have been bitten, Add your comments!!