A Pushtraffic representative solicited me by telephone with high pressure and false promises and convinced me to enter a coaching program that would make me a lot of money quickly, at a cost of $5000.00. I paid that with my credit card.<br />
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Over the next 28 days Pushtraffic failed to meet scheduled sessions two out of three times. The level of coaching inadequate for my needs and did not meet the level of internet marketing experience I told them I had. I called and demanded a refund for non-performance. I was put off by their customer service representative but did get a call from their attorney.<br />
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The attorney had the attitude of a bully and told me that PushTraffic didn't have to do any better than they had been doing and that I would have to put up with the missed appointments and inadequate coaching.<br />
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The attorney gave me 3 unacceptable options:<br />
1. Continue without assurances that service would be improved or that the coaching would meet my requirements.<br />
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2. Accept a refund of my money less 15%. <br />
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3. If I did not accept either options 1 or 2 by the end of the telephone conversation I would get nothing.<br />
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All of my efforts to settle the above matter amicably have been unsuccessful. My numerous calls have not received the courtesy of a response. Pushtraffic personnel have been told not to speak to me.