website has many options they ask for personal infomation and a password before they let to get any infomationat all . Last June I was browsing for a site to sell on so I went into google and put my info in BUT WHEN I SAW HOW EXPENSIVE IT WAS I GOT OUT OF THE SITE FAST AND NEVER RETUNED AGAIN. nEVER HEARD FROM THE COMPANY EITHER.
I live on social security alone and have mega medical bills I cant afford to the point I go without filling prescriptions and do not go to office visits because of lack for money .
On 9/10 I noticed I had been charged $69.90 from PWW*GoogleATM on 9/1/09 so I contacted my bank and got a phone number and started a complaint.
In calling this number speaking with Cherrie operator 529 who refused to give her full name or any company address to me, over the course of a 50 minute phone call I discovered how deceitful and scamming this company was. I hadmy bank complaint form open on line while I spoke to her and documented at the same time.
I asked for a supervisor repeatedly, and was told no one available, no supervisor here etc etc. Finally, I said I want a supervisor or I will stay on the phone all night so she agreed and I hung on 10 min more . then Mae who claims she is a supervisor gets on and asks me to confirm personal info on last 4 digits of card charged and email etc some I refused, She kept repeating We have policies and proceedures over and over again . I told her that what they did was no less that outright THEFT . She did not budge . Finally, I heard someone in the background and then she said Im putting the supervisor on now . So now the also Lied I was furious and at this point told them once more I wanted my money back immediately or Im going to the FTC and get a lawyer . No response so I had to get off the phone as I was loosing it completely after this hour
I tried to report to the FTC but I was refused an address so finally I looked up the company and found fraud complaints about thsi website and also multiple addresses so I just picked this address so you can do the rest I hope .
The charged my account under different names one PWW*GoogleATM, TWPRAuction 6/30. Purchase TW/EAUCTION7/27, PWW*GOOGLE ATM 9/1, TW/PRAUCTION6/13//TW//PRAUCTION6/30,