This company apparently forgot to add "must be willing to put up with highly rude behavior" to its job description for the ASP.NET Web development position they are currently interviewing for. I am here just adding comments on my experiences. I also think it's important to disseminate information on job/job interviews/companies/employee relations.
Firstly they are undercutting the median annual salary for this type of position by an unprecedented 10K - 30K! Next the project manager has about as much joy and life in her as road kill and the demeanor of a Marine Core drill sargent. I was interrupted at least 10 times and never able to fully answer most questions in fact. All persons involved in the interview were non-technical people and appeared rather confused when I began to delve in to technical details - i.e. they were clueless. Two of the people I interviewed with made several rude comments - of which I will not go into here as it delved into personal matters. I think that takes a lot of nerve!
Don't waste your time interviewing for these people!