I decided to refinance my existing mortgage. Quicken advertised how wonderful they are so I decided to give them a try. Initially I spoke to a sales rep who told me I could get what I asked for---no problem--all I had to do was send them $350 to start their paperwork and investigation process. I then received a good faith estimate describing how the loan would work. I decided to increase the loan amount and again was told 'no problem'. I received another good faith estimate for much less than I was told. I called the first salesman, who transferred me to his boss, who gave me some song and dance, and I asked to speak to the head of the mortgage dept. I did, he said he would look into it and call me back. I haven't heard from him since. I have called him many times but they don't have the courtesy to return my calls. Of course I don't expect to get any money back.
I wouldn't trust them any more, even if they were so polite as to call. I also asked for the return of all the paperwork I had to submit and as of yet--nothing.I also registered my complaints with their so called customer relations dept. What waste of time.