Scammer found me on My Space. Within one month we were corresponding thru e mail and his my space acct was closed. Advised he was an architect leaving for South Africa to finish a project. Within a month and half while in SA stated hurt and needed money so he could come
home to US for treatment.Professed undyeing love and that our relationship was heavenly sent. Money requests kept happening every few weeks and per scammer things kept happening that stopped him from leaving, including becoming ill before boarding plane, being removed from airport by people who were watching him, being shot and needing operation. Per scammer kept asking for money and stating he would pay when in US as he had precious stones here and bank account. Believe he has come and gone to SA several times with no meeting w/me and no reimbursement of funds ever being made. Money always sent to another person and never directly to him. Has produced transfer documents of money transfers which are fake. Have found his picture on romance scammers site.