After I clicked on this "free scan", it imbeds itself in some UNKNOWN site, ?under UNKNOWN NAME? I cannot drag it to trash, nor do I see it in My Computer, or Control Panel. No new file appears to have been created... and it is not in any of my "timed" processes... I just do not know where to find it and how to get it off my computer--to stop BUGGING AND INTERRUPTING ME. It is ALWAYS appearing in full screen format, covering all my icons, including trash, when I start up my computer, delaying my onset of internet connection. It is also down on my task bar, lower right corner on my windows 98. It dominates the entire desk top until FINALLY it gives me a red x, to click it off by. IT IS A TOTAL NUISANCE... and DEMANDS THAT I BUY AND CLICK ON THE FOR-PURCHASE PROGRAM WHICH IT RECOMMENDS TO "FIX MY PROBLEM" OF HAVING A TOO SLOW AND DEBILITATED COMPUTER...
Please HELP me with getting this AWFUL and INVASIVE "FREE" SCAN, so that I can either delete it or drag it to trash... which is not possible at this time. And I cannot find a physical address, e-mail address, or telephone number to call this COMPANY (which appears to be unknown as well). Only the product name is known! THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION Britt Holmstrom