I had seveer abdominal pain and went to the Reed St clinic where i had an apointment with Dr. Kotze. Prior to this apointment i had an apointment with one of the sisters who quite evedently did not know what was going on with me as i had severe abdominal pain.
I gave her a rundown of what was going on with me and told her about the operation i had and the virus that developed, this hapened at Tigerburg hospital in 2007. Ever since then that infection returns. i have been in hospital three times for the same thing and last week i was in hospital for a week with the same thing.
They treeted me with Lozac, and i told this to the Sister, she prescribed Lozac for me, no pain for two weeks, what a blessing.
Back to Dr Kotze, he said that he was cross with the Sister for giving me Lozac, he sat in his chair like you would sit in a lounger laughing at me and my wife, not getting out of his chair, not even to examine me and said " Iwill give you some Cimetadene". I told him that, that does not work.
I then asked him to refere me to Tigerburg hospital' more laughing. At that time i was self medicating myself with Buskopan Co, Clopamene, Scopex injections which my wife administred who is qualified to do so.
I could not take the pain any more, so i went to Tigerburg hospital and saw Dr David Juries the surgical superintendant who was fantastic. Whithin a week he booked me in the trauma ward and he confermed that the medication given was not correct.
This Dr Kotze realy made us feel so insignificant. I am sitting with the pain and here this man literaly in his actions tels us that we are lying.
My add is: 70 Sunbird Drive North
Sunbird Park
Kuils River
Cape Town
My cell No: 0844301995 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0844301995 end_of_the_skype_highlighting