Radio Shack

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2312 Maple Avenue, Burlington, North Carolina, United States

Phone number: 3362271223

Radio Shack Reviews

yhurdle568 July 6, 2011
Rude store attendant & manager
On 7/6/11 at 5:50 pm I had called to the store I asked the store attendant if they had any of the HTC 4G Evo Sprint Cellphones in stock. The attendant responded that yes we do have plenty of them in stock I stated that I was on the way needed 2 phones it would take me about 30 minutes to get there he said no problem. Well I made that 30 minute drive I got to the store about 6:20 pm. Upon entering the store the young man asked if he could help me I stated yes I was there to get 2 HTC 4G Evo Sprint Cellphones he asked me for my information so he could check my eligibility status on my account & was I the account holder. After I had given him all this information then he walks in the back of the store then he comes and said we don't have any other phone the 2 phones that we had I had to ship them out already they just left on the truck. I said but you told me you had plenty he said 2 phones were plenty to him but they were gone so it was nothing he could do. The manager stated that she shipped them out earlier this morning or maybe it was just a miscommunication. I usually shop regularly at your stores but this here has stopped me from going. I feel that this is very poor customer service and how would you feel if someone had taken you through this rat race. This was total humiliation and your staff made me feel like a idiot in front of other customers in the store by constantly stating that they did not say anything to me on the phone.
Yvette Hurdle [email protected]
Chauncey RadioShack (West Lafayette, In) June 30, 2011
Rude, unreasonable manager
I bought my HTC Inspire Device a couple of weeks ago.. I suddenly had a problem with my camera. I never dropped or did damage to the phone. I told this to the store manager and he said that he will exchange my phone for a new one. He told me that I will need the 'box' to make the exchange. I had everything else except the 'box'. Who will keep the box of a product after they purchase it? I told this to the manager and he told me that this information was on the receipt. I was trying to make my point, but he kept cutting me off. So, I told him if i call customer service at Radio Shack, would they say the same thing? He replied, "I don't care what they say. I need the box." This was pretty funny because I could just give him the box when I get a new phone...I called customer service right after I left the store and they said that I DONT need the box. I just need everything in it. I returnd to the store, with the customer service assistant on the telephone because I knew this guy would not listen to me. I entered the store, with the customer service assistant on the phone. She said that she will speak to that person and make sure i get my new phone. He refused to take the phone call saying again "I don't care what they say." He was on the phone, but he wasn't talking to anybody. SO I asked him again to take the phone, and he refused again. He said to me, "DUDE IM ON THE PHONE." I was shocked when this person talked to me like that. Is that how radioshack employees talk to their customers? The customer service assistant asked for the store number, and his name. Right after I told her that information, that guy said "I'll give you a new phone just bring all the stuff." He gave me no explanation or an apology for being wrong. When I returned back to the store with my charger to exchange my phone, he didn't even look or me or give me an apology. Who does he think he is? This guy was straigt up rude and I could tell he just didnt want to give me a new phone. When I first bought my phone here, I gave him the lowest grade on the customer service survey which was texted to my phone. He was not polite and did not appreciate me at all as a customer from the beginning. I was quite shocked how this person treats his customers in such a way. I have never been treated this way at any other store. The fact that he refused to take the phone call, calling me DUDE, and not apologizing to me eventhough it was his mistake is not acceptable. He is actually the store manager there, which is ironic. The sales assistant was actually pretty nice but the manger himself is terrible in treating customers. His name is Aaron Bronz.
champ365 June 10, 2011
rude manager
I can usually walk into a store and be greeted by nice welcoming people. I come in and i get a hello from a guy who I'm not sure his name for the fact that he wasn't wearing a name tag. His hair was messy and looked greasy and his shirt wasnt tucked in like the other employee. I came in to purchase a battery and at the end he asked me if i carried a cell phone. I said yes and he asked me who it was through and i said at&t he then asked if i was eligable for an upgrade and i said I'm sure that i am but am not quite ready for one yet. Then he asked to see my phone and i showed him and its an older phone but he was being very pushy to try to get me into a new phone just because the phone that I have now is "ancient" and getting a new phone i may or may not like even though I'm happy with the phone that i already have. I just feel like even though he's the manager I believe he shouldn't be so pushy and rude to his customers who walk into his store
pj30315 June 8, 2011
Bad customer service
Bad Customer Service ! Ghetto ! and really need to be closed down or hire all new employees including the manager .They don't even greet you when you enter the store, No eye contact when speaking to customers. My AT&T acct was mess up after I bought a phone from them. Long story short, Radio shack did not back date my service with at&t thus making it look like I just sign up with AT&T locking me under a new contract w/o telling me. I would have to pay 175.00 to cancel with at&t if I didn't want the service anymore. They don't show you or explain hidden contracts they have through the store. If I had to give one word that will label ATL, GA location : UNPROFESSIONAL!!!, I will never shop at this location again!!!
JoeVictum June 1, 2011
Cell phone warranty
Radio Shack sold me a cell phone warranty saying that theirs covered water damage. When I went in to get a replacement, they said accidental damage was not covered. They refused to replace it. Calls to their corporate offices haven't made a difference. My question is: what is water damage if it is not accidental. Do they only cover intentional damage?
Zumba Queen May 30, 2011
Sr. Manager/TJ Grizzele
Purchased a Cordless Phone battery, spoke to a representative on the 28th of June, we gave her our battery and she told us is it a AT&T phone or another different brand. My husband said, we believe it's the other brand, but, if we purchased the incorrect battery, we would return it for the AT&T brand. Two days later I came back to the store and spoke to the Sr. Manger, TJ Grizzelle, he asked me, what did I need, I told him, I needed to exchange this battery for the AT&T and not this one. He asked if I brought my phone in, I said no. Then you see he was getting agitated, so quickly, then he said, well we have a lots of batteries. I realize this, but, it didn't dawn on me that the girl that was waiting on us two days ago, never gave us our old batter back. She was so nice and said it wouldn't be a problem to switch them out, then I get this Manager, that didn't even have any customer service. I asked him why was he being so flippant, what is his problem. He kept telling me he is only human! You work in an establishment that doesn't have the courtesy, but, "NO" customer service. I could he be able to help any customer for that matter. He was a "JERK"! I will never step into that store and if had the common courtesy and listened to what I was telling him he would of given me the right battery. But, instead TJ GRIZZELLE did not have not customer service, (I won't even call him a Sr. Manager, because he is more like a clerk, he has a lot to learn about manners, professionalism, and common courtesy!
For anyone that is reading this...bad customer service at the Cypress Village Shop Center in Ruskin. No one should be flippant when asking a questions, especially when you have no idea what to purchase, that is why your the customer and they are supposed to be the "PROFESSIONAL" !
shelly53 May 18, 2011
Seeking Employment
I went into the Radio Shack in Eastover Shopping Center in Maryland at about 12:30pm to inquire about employement and received the worst reception ever. The two young ladies were rude, did not identify themselves when asked, and were not willing to assist me at all. They did however, laugh at me which really made me feel bad. All this was in front of a customer that they obviously knew. Wow I will never buy anything from that store.
Jeena May 6, 2011
Useless Warranty
I charged an AKAI 32' from Radio Shack in April 2007 using Radio Shacks charge account. I can't tell you how excited I was to own my first flat screen HD TV. But, about a month ago, this t.v. just stopped working. After contacting Radio Shack, I found out that they could not help me because, according to thier employee, Ann (in the parts depatment)...they no longer have a vendor for the parts because they no longer sell AKAI TV's. I took my broken 32' TV to a local tv repair shop and paid $60.00 so they could tell me that I need a main board and a power board, both of which are NO LONGER BEING MANUFACTORED. I called Radio Shack back and I was advised to 'just by another one'. Good grief, I still owe $400.00 on the broken one bought from them. After 5 hours of my day was spent trying to get just one person to talk to at AKAI...(located in Singapore, by the way)and to no avail. I then called the District Manager for Radio Shack and spoke to the Adm. Secretary, Heather, reporting all of this to this very nice lady, Adm. Sec. who is the Adm. Secretary to a Ms. Monica Goss and out right accussed them of selling products to the American Pulic that can not be supported. They said they could do nothing for me. I called the Regional manager and spoke to Retha, another Adm. Sec. She spoke to her supervisor and then I was told to go and pick out another TV and they would give me a discount. OK, now we are getting somewhere. I thought. Went down to the store, picked out a $219 TV. (did not want to go to far because I still owed $400.00. ) I was then told they would sell it to me for $190 because that is what they paid for it. Wow, a $30 discount...and they want me to spend how much more money in their store? Now, I have worked in retail before and I know that stores do not mark up thier products 13%. I declined this very insulting 'offer' and further...told them I was going to cancel my credit card and never buy from them again. She said O.K. My question to Radio Shack is: 1). How could you do have my $750 and offer me no compensation. 2). I know my tv is out of warranty and I am willing and able to pay for the parts but they are no longer manufactored after 1 1/2 years of the purchase. How can you not do anything? 3). We, the American public made you a multi-billion dollor corporation...what would you do without our support of your store? You would not have a job! People, please read the following article concerning Radio Shack's the way, I tried to contact them, the Corporate Office..and they have not returned my calls. The following is the actual title of this article: 'Even CEO Can't Figure Out How RadioShack Still In Business' FORT WORTH, TX—Despite having been on the job for nine months, RadioShack CEO Julian Day said Monday that he still has 'no idea' how the home electronics store manages to stay open. CEO Julian Day 'There must be some sort of business model that enables this company to make money, but I'll be damned if I know what it is, ' Day said. 'You wouldn't think that people still buy enough strobe lights and extension cords to support an entire nationwide chain, but I guess they must, or I wouldn't have this desk to sit behind all day.' The retail outlet boasts more than 6, 000 locations in the United States, and is known best for its wall-sized displays of obscure-looking analog electronics components and its notoriously desperate, high-pressure sales staff. Nevertheless, it ranks as a Fortune 500 company, with gross revenues of over $4.5 billion and fiscal quarter earnings averaging tens of millions of dollars. 'Have you even been inside of a RadioShack recently?' Day asked. 'Just walking into the place makes you feel vaguely depressed and alienated. Maybe our customers are at the mall anyway and don't feel like driving to Best Buy? I suppose that's possible, but still, it's just...weird.' A RadioShack store that somehow manages to bring in enough paying customers to turn a profit. After taking over as CEO, Day ordered a comprehensive, top-down review of RadioShack's administrative operations, inventory and purchasing, suppliers, demographics, and marketing strategies. He has also diligently pored over weekly budget reports, met with investors, taken numerous conference calls with regional managers about 'circulars or flyers or something, ' and even spent hours playing with the company's 'baffling' 200-In-One electronics kit. Yet so far none of these things have helped Day understand the moribund company's apparent allure. 'Even the name 'RadioShack'—can you imagine two less appealing words placed next to one another?' Day said. 'What is that, some kind of World War II terminology? Are ham radio operators still around, even? Aren't we in the digital age?' 'Well, our customers are out there somewhere, and thank God they are, ' Day added. One of Day's theories about RadioShack's continued solvency involves wedding DJs, emergency cord replacement, and off-brand wireless telephones. Another theory entails countless RadioShack gift cards that sit unredeemed in their recipients' wallets. Day has even conjectured that the store is 'still coasting on' an enormous fortune made from remote-control toy cars in the mid-1970s. Day admitted, however, that none of these theories seems particularly plausible. 'I once went into a RadioShack location incognito in order to gauge customer service, ' Day said. 'It was about as inviting as a visit to the DMV. For the life of me, I couldn't see anything I wanted to buy. Finally, I figured I'd pick up some Enercell AA batteries, though truthfully they're not appreciably cheaper than the name brands.' 'I know one thing, ' Day continued. 'If Sony and JVC start including gold-tipped cable cords with their products, we're screwed.' In the cover letter to his December 2006 report to investors, 'Radio Shack: Still Here In The 21st Century, ' Day wrote that he had no reason to believe that the coming year would not be every bit as good as years past, provided that people kept on doing things much the same way they always had. Despite this cheerful boosterism, Day admitted that nothing has changed during his tenure and he doesn't exactly know what he can do to improve the chain. 'I'd like to capitalize on the store's strong points, but I honestly don't know what they are, ' Day said. 'Every location is full of bizarre adapters, random chargers, and old boom boxes, and some sales guy is constantly hovering over you. It's like walking into your grandpa's basement. You always expect to see something cool, but it never delivers.' Added Day: 'I may never know the answer. No matter how many times I punch the sales figures into this crappy Tandy desk calculator, it just doesn't add up.' You can find this article at: (((link redacted))) I don't know about all of you out there reading this, but you would think that these corporations we support by purchasing their products and are making billions off of us and they don't have the decencey to do the right thing. On Saturday, January 10, 2009, I started picketing this Radio Shack on Lexington Road in Athens GA. I stood out there on the sidewalk from 1p to 5p (with a permit, of course) with a BIG BRIGHT GREEN picket sign strapped to my body and handed out 70 flyers. People were coming over to me, asking me questions and really showed a great interest. I was really surprised at this kind of response. I will continue to picket on that location and other locations weekly in Athens GA until I get some kind of resolution for this matter. Thanks for your time.
Inidade March 31, 2011
Stay away from these guys
I broke my cell phone's charger so we went to Radio Shack where we purchased our phone. Can't buy one and my phI can't is good until April 2009.

I had to buy a car charger but only works when the car is running. I am very frustrated as I use my phone a lot.

I paid $25.00 for a car charger!! They told me they don't make the chargers anymore.
notice me March 25, 2011
Refund Policy
On March 22nd 2011 I purchased a set of surveillance cameras paid cash for them $478.98. The guy in the store claimed they worked together as they were by the same company just sold separately (they did NOT) I did at the time before purchasing ask if I could return them if they did not work or had anything wrong. WHAT HE DIDN'T SAY: I returned them to the same store the next day and was told that I would be leaving the store with an IOU Promise to pay by check in the mail from their Fort Worth Office. I was quite upset in fact I even called the police as I felt as though I was robbed!...LOL!! No the police in that case couldn't do anything as the store policy was on the back of their receipt and NOT clear at all. The guy started getting smart with me and I simply told him what would you do if I chose a few hundred dollars worth of merchandise and printed you and IOU? So I am to trust in a company that went into bankruptcy to pay me back within 14 business days...Hmmmm? can many of you afford this kind of risk? DONT SHOP AT RADIO SHACK!!!

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