There are thousands maybe even millions of dollars in unclaimed pet and wine rewards at Ralphs grocery stores in Southern California. If you are a Ralphs club card member and have purchased pet or wine products over the last years, you may have unclaimed rewards at your local stores. If you go to this link you will see how their program works.
They make it sound so great and simple to earn these rewards. All you have to do is use your club card every time you shop and purchase a certain amount of either pet items or wine in 750 ml. bottles and you will be earning money towards future purchases of like items. When you use your club card when you shop and purchase $100 in pet items or $200 in 750 ml. bottles of wine, you will receive a coupon for $9 off your next $9 purchase in pet items or $10 off your next $10 purchase in 750 ml. bottles of wine. It's that simple! When you check out, just look at the bottom of your receipt and see how much money you've earned towards your pet club or wine club purchases. Once you've accumulated $100 in pet purchases or $200 in 750 ml. bottles in wine purchases, they will automatically give you a pet savings certificate or a wine savings certificate. You should already be aware that they went from earning money, to a coupon, to a savings certificate all in the same page, all referring to the same item. Each one of those descriptions carry a different meaning in the world of business and each one of them have different guidelines and laws attached to them. Once the customer has earned a certificate, there exist a new contract in how the certificate is to be redeemed. The provisions of the new contract requires the customer to purchase an additional $9 in pet products of $10 in 750 ml. bottles of wine and in return the certificate will take $9 or $10 off their purchase. On the certificate it states that the customer must use their club card to redeem this certificate and a minimum $9 pet purchase or a minimum $10 750 ml. wine bottle is required. Once the customer has met all the conditions of the certificate, nothing is taken off the customers order. These certificates continue to accumulate on the customers club card every time they meet the requirements in earning the certificate. A friend of mine had earned over 30 certificates and never knew he was entitled to them. He had spent over $3, 000 in pet items at Ralphs and never once received a single $9 off his order! There are few things you should know about which are not told about these certificates and how to redeem them. First Ralphs will not automatically redeem these certificates for the customer, even after the meet all the requirements for redemption, it is the customers responsibility to notify the cashier once they have spent the additional amount. Second there is an expiration date of less than a month on these certificates, which isn't true. Every certificate issued to every customer has the same number attached to it, so how can one expire and not all of them expire at the same time. Plus this is an ongoing program which doesn't expire. Finally they tell the customer that they must have the paper certificate in order to redeem it. This is also not true, because in the state of California there are consumer laws which state that an electronic record of an item satisfies any law where a paper record is required. You can find this in Cal. Civil Code section 1633.1-1633.17. So to see if you have any of these abandoned or unclaimed certificates, you can call the RALPHS CLUB CARD HOTLINE at 1-800-660-9003 and give them your club card # or phone # and they will be able to tell you how many you have and how to redeem at your local store. If they are not able to help you, you can contact the consumer affairs dept. in your white pages. So call today and find out how much money you have earned towards pet or wine purchases!