August 14, 2009
Deceptive business practices
The Showroom/Manufacturer received an order from a design firm. The showroom represented our furniture line. The showroom cashed both checks the design firm had issued them; a total of $27, 000.00. Our contract states that a check is to be sent out to us, one week after, the showroom has received payment.
For three months we tried to get hold of the corporate office, to have a check issued to us, to no avail. The employees at their own Los Angeles showroom told us, "They are not even returning our phone calls, this is happening to everyone's orders!" This showroom accepted $27, 000 from a design firm, cashed the checks, and kept the money for over three months before issuing a partial payment.
Meanwhile the design firm requested delivery of their order, and we had to explain to them, that the Showroom had not paid us. The design firm was outraged. To noone's surprise, we received a fax from the owner, Randolph Arczynski, telling us the showroom was closing. They called us to work out a payment schedule so that we would release the order to the design firm.
We agreed, executed the payment schedule, released the furniture to the design firm, and never heard from Randolph and Hein, Inc., again. No response to phone calls, emails, faxes, etc. Three months later we flew up to the San Francisco Corporate offices and asked to be paid. We were told by the controller that "Randy" had just returned from "Europe" was not coming in, and that there was not enough money in their account to pay us the full amount, but that she could give us 1/4th of the money, and she would execute a new payment schedule and "promised" to stick to it.
Three weeks later they defaulted on the agreement, and here we are four months later, and have not heard a peep from them. A year after the initial order was placed, they have had full possession of the money, they have been earning interest, and will not even return a phone call, fax, or email. This company is not honorable, and is deceptive in their business practices.