On Monday, May 3, 2010, my employer was mailed an Earnings Garnishment Notice by Rausch-Sturm-Israel-Enerson-and-Hornik-LLC (STATE BAR NUMBER: 1054932), representing the Creditor: CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. s/i/i CAPITOL ONE BANK. THIS DOCUMENT SHOWS an Original CASE NUMBER of: 07SC6574, And a, "OUR file #357725, AS WELL AS, A DATE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT: JULY 11, 2007. This Document Directs My Employer to Garnish 20% of my Income over the next 13 weeks. I have BEEN UNABLE, (to date), TO CONTACT THROUGH MAIL OR PHONE, any response direct response from this Creditor. I will now send a USPS Certified letter later today.
The content of this complaint, is quite simple;
1.) Why was I never notified of the existence of this liability?
2.) Why do the documents show a residence from over 3 yrs ago.? (Wisconsin DOT Requires a 30 day compliance)?
3.) Why is my name incorrectly stated as; "Jon R.Derge"?
4.) Why have I not been provided any proof or documentation to determine the veracity of this Claim/Garnishment Action?
5.) Why has this collection process completely ignored the real issue of; IDENTITY THEFT?, relating to a divorce settlement over 6 years ago?
Jon P.Derge