This company should not be in business. They break the collection laws everyday. They call you saying they are from the "legal dept". They are debt collectors and by law have to say this. They will also tell you they can sell your belongings at auction. By law they can not do this. They say they will get a summons against you, this is just a threat. They will use loud and intimidating language to get you to pay them. They get commissions on everthing they bring in. This company has had lawsuits before. If they contact you or anyone you know go to this web sie and complain
You can register a complaint with the federal government against them. This is a site for the laws governing debt collection. You can also stop there calls by sending them a letter by fax, email, or cerified mail to stop calling you about this debt. Make sure all your friends and relatives do this also. Compnaies like this should be stopped.