I was unemployed and had Section 8 Houseing thru RCAP Solutions in Gardner, MA. my case workers name was Liz Beley. They were helping with rent payments where I was living. The property went into foreclosure where I was staying, so I moved out. I was pretty depressed about it. I called RCAP Solutions, a government sponcered agency. Which also helps people with Foreclosures. Supposedly. Well, they told me since I moved to a temporary place they were Terminated me from the program.
I thought they helped people who were in foreclosure. They told me because I moved, they were going to cut me off and did. I appealed it and lost. SO, now in the middle of a great depression economically, I dont know what im going to do or where i am going to live. And yet the government wants to help people with or who are vistims of foreclosure. Well, Look at what they did to me. And think about it. I dont know where I go from here but hope enough people read about this.