Their supposed "lifetime" warranty is garbage!! I got liners installed in 2001. One of them has been pulling away from the tub and looks horrible. I have trying since June to get this liner replaced (Once I finally got one of their service guys to actually see the liner he said immediately, "The liner needs to be replaced!").
It's been one excuse after another as to why my LIFETIME warranty suddenly isn't valid. First they claimed I never paid the remaining $200 balance back in 2001! Faxed proof to corporate office when local franchise was unresponsive and then radio silence from them as well.
Second, they claimed they gave me a 5-year-warranty back in 2001! Um, wrong again. I had a copy of the actual LIFETIME warranty that I also faxed and mailed over to the local franchise.
I have recently filed complaints with both the BBB and Attorney General's office. DO NOT do business with this company, unless you want to be stuck with a rotting, useless liner in a few years.
And here's the kicker: This company is STILL advertising a lifetime warranty they refuse to honor!!