Jim Supples
10650 Scripps Ranch Blvd, Suite 112
San Diego, CA 92131
DRE LIC #: 01308865
I have used several real estate agents and most look out for your interest.
When you tell Jim that you want to spend $450, 000... he pushes you to spend $500, 000 and talks you into a bad loan. (he must get kick backs on the loan).
Also did you know some real estate agents - want you to overbid on a house, tell you the other agent has multiple offers... want to know why...? Because they get commission on the total sale.
Why would you offer $500, 000 on a house... and ask for $10, 000 back on repairs? Why not offer $490, 000. Because the agent gets commission on the $500, 000 sale.
I wouldn't do business with this guy. Unless you want to overspend and later get foreclosed on.