I, too, spent about $200 on this outdated VHS tape. Just by the appearace of the clothes worn by people in the tape clearly indicate the decade prior. The promises on the website and mailers say everything is updated. There is no contact info to make a complaint or refund... NOR is Paul Larisey currently licensed in CA!!! Friends, feel free to look him up under the ca.dre.gov website. His license has been expired since the early 1990's.
Needless to say, I didn't pass my exam...
Although I am not completely blaming the company for that... or should I. Laws and regulations change constantly in real estate, reviewing info more that 10 years old is worse that not reviewing it at all. Now I must unlearn the outdated, incorrect information before retaking the exam...that is if and after I identify them.
I hope this helps someone out there. Too bad I did my research after my check was cashed!