I contacted Real Estate Webmasters over 2 months ago to provide me with an estimate for my new real estate website design that I was about to begin. Yes, I did find them online! I am still waiting for that estimate. I have called them several times and have received no calls back! Just so you know they are located out of British Columbia and not The United States of America
I am writing this letter to inform other consumers that I found this company to be rude when they did answer the phone and unhelpful in answering my questions.
Real Estate Webmasters treated me like they did not need my business. They told me that they had other customers willing to pay them 30-50K more than what I was budgeting for. Really they made me feel cheep and I was willing to pay between 15-25K for their services. Which, I found out later from a colleague was crazy. He stated you can get the same design work done for under $5K and next time to do my homework.
I contacted my friend who referred me to Real Estate Webmasters to express my concerns on how inadequate their services where. He did apologize and mention that two of his other colleagues had experienced similar incidents after their sites went live.
They explained that some components of their websites did not work correctly and that they called Real Estate Webmasters to fix the problem and they were told they needed to wait months until the could get to them. My buddy in Atlanta is just livid with them! This is even after he spent a lot of money with them. I mean a lot of money!
All of us live in the United States! We did discover that Real Estate Webmasters is out of British Columbia, Canada. Maybe this is why they are so rude! I strongly encourage you to hire a local company inside the US if you are designing a real estate website. Don't be tempted by this company! From talking to others even past customers of theirs I have discovered they are good at selling a product but not delivering one.
Just so you know the technology is actually not that difficult to figure out. All your programmer needs to know is how to set up an idx feed from you local listing services and program snippets in html so that links to different types of searches can be created which makes it more user friendly!
From The way it looks Real Estate Webmasters is not a member of their local BBB chapter nor do they have any really good press. They have a lot of press out their but most of it is due to them encouraging people to get them leads to qualify for $50, 000. This seems like a lot until you see their hourly charges then it makes sense.