(925)429-5097 is assigned to Broadwing Communication which is a telemarketer calling for Real Vacation of Concord, CA who is selling a package for Pulaski Tickets and Tours.
They have your number because at a county fair or city function they gave you a "free cup" or something and in return you gave them your phone number. When they call and you are not at home they do not leave messages, they just persistently - relentlessly keep calling you. When they do reach you and you tell them you are on a No Call Registry they tell you they have permission because you signed up at a fair or function.
They will tell you that you won a 3 day, 2 night trip to San Diego or Las Vegas for two. He said the only limitations on the travel were that we couldn't book within 7 days of a holiday and I had to go to their office for a presentation. He said they are just like Expedia and Travelocity, only they don't spend the money for advertising. Instead, they offer "free trips" to people. They require the visit to their office in order to show potential clients the savings they can receive by using them over their competition. He said they end up with a lot of repeat business from the people who take the "free trips". After agreeing to go to their presentation they email you a contract which you have to sign and must bring with you for your “free trip“. In small letter it says that anything over $100 for your “free trip” comes out of your pocket. So how is that free? Just the plane fair to Las Vegas may cost over $350 and you only get a certificate for $100 then you have to pay for your room. There are conditions, you have to put a deposit of $50 down and schedule your "free trip" 90 days in advance, you have to do other things too to get your “free trip". They will also call you from another number (916) 676-1350.
Their tactics are absolutely MISLEADING and shouldn't be condoned by consumers.