Me and a lady friend of mine rented this apartment here in Rockdale. Never in our lives that troubles would arrise. From attempted sexual assault to a female to ordering a tenant around like a slave. I and my gf were afraid to call police on the manager.
He would threatened to kick me and her out because we was 4 days late on rent. He also made the statement that rent was going to be raised. The rent was paid on time for almost 2 years. There had been nothing but hades living in the apartments. From loud music to rough parties.
The manager was very unreasonable in the management of the units. He would help himself in with a towel wrapped around his waste while my gf was in the bedroom. I have wondered why she would call my name to make sure its me coming in. He is very strange towards tenants, He would look at pornography in his work station. We are talking nude teen porn on the computer. The business is located at 307 W Highway, Rockdale, TX. Nobody had checked out his computer. There are tons of questionable material on the computer.
When you rent from the manager, be sure to read the contract carefully. he loves to threaten men, and hit up on women. You got to keep a close eye on this guy.