Result in getting my Money back from SymplisIT for RecoverMajic
It seems that SymplisIT have continued to mislead innocent purchasers for some time now by providing a false sense of security and false promises of a full money back grantee when purchasing their on line software.
I fell a victim to their scam when I discovered problems with them during my latest purchase of RecoverMajic from their web site only to discover that this was not to my liking and then got no response from the support page on the SymplisIT web site when requests for a refund on the advertised money back guarantee were made (a farmilure story I hear some of you say). So here’s what I did to get my money back.
1. Your first call is to contact SymplisIT direct on the following email address:
Surprise surprise the address for SymplisIT is not detailed on the SymplisIT web page, so as of yet I am not able to provide you with this (let us know if you have this as this would be an added bonus).
I recommend attempting to contact then a maximum of two times leaving a space of 7 working days between each email and if by the 14th working day they have failed to get back to you then go to step 2 and 3.
2. Internet Crime Complaint Centre (IC3)
Report the crime to the Internet Crime Complaint centre (IC3), more information is on their web page detailed above. This will allow you to make an official complaint with the law.
The more we complaints we get the stronger the case against SymplisIT will be.
3. RegNow Digital River
Contact regNow on the following email address:
RegNow Inc
9625 West 76th street,
Eden Prairie,
MN 55344
United States of America
Fax: 1-952-646-5604
These are the people who actually take the payments for SymplisIT they have the secure server that is required for processing credit card payments.
They are pretty good and once you contact then detailing you order number, which can be found on the receipt you should have printed off when you purchased you SymplisIT software. If you haven’t got this for one reason or the other then I recommended you contact regNow anyway detailing as much information as possible (what you got to lose).
Once you contact regNow from that point onwards you should contact regNow updating them every 5 working days as to whether or not you have had any response from SymplisIT, and they will email SymplisIT copying you in on the same email pursuing them to come to a conclusion A.S.A.P.
If like me SymplisIT fail to respond to regNow too, then regNow will refund your money anyway (however this may depend on how long you have left it before getting regNow involved).
I hope you find the above useful and I am sorry if it seems that I have gone on a bit here, I felt that there are a lot of people being taken for a ride by SymplisIT and together we can put a stop to it.