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Vanessa2009 June 27, 2009

It has been reported through various reliable sources and ex-Regus clients that the REGUS GROUP/HQ MANAGEMENT GROUP is under criminal investigation for fraud, stealing of clients funds, non-delivery of services and falsification of documents.

Should you consider using their office services THINK TWICE before you part with your money. These international scam artists will do EVERYTHING not to deliver their services after they collected your payments.

It further appears that the Regus Group will be filing for bankruptcy very soon, due to the fact that thousands of customer payments have been collected but clients have not seen any professional services in return.

Their global network looks at the first glance impressive, however the “small prints” in their contracts are so clever written that even if they do NOT deliver the office services as contractually agreed on, the client is left ‘hanging in the air’ without any possibility to receive his money refunded.

The Regus managers “in charge” are suddenly “un-available” to solve any problems and the client is “dragged over the floor” for months with “excuse letters” but no improvement of service takes place. Cancellation of contracts are simply “ignored” and requests refunds due to breach of contract by the Regus Group are ignored too.

Instead the client receives invoices for services he never ever ordered or signed for. Or invoices are sent from the Regus Group, which are dated months before the service contract was even signed. This is outright fraud and the therefore this scam operation must be stopped immediately.


IF YOU HAVE EVER DEALT WITH REGUS AND YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE A VICTIM TOO, please contact our Investigative Journalist Team.



I can confirmed the validity to the previous post, every single word is true. My lease ended 10/31/2008 and in the last week I recieved and invoice from Regus (Indianapolis, In.) for $850.00 of whch there was no listing or breakdown of why I was receiving this invoice...Just a single unidentified dollar amount. When I called the office, Ispoke with the billing person who did a very poor job of helping me identify the full breakdown of the invoice. After concerted effort I was able to identify phone, mail, covered the fees over a 3 month tranistionary fee...Upon further complaint, the general manager called me today and of course reminded me that this transitionary fee is well represented in my contract that I signed 12 months ago. And of course I contend that at no time in dealling with the office manager at the initial signage of the contract or my exit conversations did this transitionary fee be expressed of discussed to me which I find non-discloser a fraudulant act and places Regus in my opinion as a SCAMMER...I plan to pursue this to and end and want all to know that Regus in my cased misrepresented their contract and service.


I think the Regus people are all talk and all sleeze. I had an office at Regus on Rt 128 near Boston. My company paid a lot for it, but i needed a place to work away from two small kids in between sales travel.
Thru word of mouht I found another executive suites, Highland-March, in Westborough. I really liked th e space and the peaople there a lot and it was much closer to home, so i put in my 3 month notice at Regus. I began working out of Highland-March right away on a day-to-day basis. The staff there was fabulous and the price was almost half of what Regus charged. Really top-notch people.
So here's the catch: I hadn't shown up at Regus for about 5 weeks, but I still had 6 weeks to go on my contract and my comapny was still paying the (outrageous) monthly fees. Well, I go to my office, unlock the door--and there is someone else working there!! They had taken all my stuff and put it in boxes in storage there, and sold my office right out from underneath me--and I was still paying for it!
I will never-ever use Regus again.


Our company was opening a new office in Nashville, TN, and we had been searching for a small office space to accommodate our two employees. While doing research, we came across the Regus Group, offering us an all-inclusive package in one convenient monthly bill. This was an ideal plan for us. We began our relationship with Regus in October 2008, and after just one month, we were highly disappointed. We began seeing charges for services that were priced much higher than the area average. Getting in touch with the General Manager at that location was nearly impossible. Emails were sent and phone calls placed, and were not returned for days when there was an urgent need for a response. After being disappointed in so many ways, we decided to terminate our relationship with Regus, and move to the private sector where terms were a bit better, and the bills would be more manageable. We received our final bill from Regus, and saw charges that we never agreed to pay. Regus wanted to charge us a “Business Continuation” fee, which, when looking over the T&C, there was nothing specified that we would be charged for something like that. We had no qualms about paying an exit fee, as this is standard, but we were charged an exorbitant amount. While we could have paid a cleaning service somewhere in the amount of $75.00 to clean the office, Regus charged us more than double that price. We felt really let down by Regus, and will never do business with them again, nor refer anyone to their offices.


Does anyone know if you sign an agreement with Regus and your company goes bankrupt, can they come after you personally? I realize that any responses should be validated by an attorney, etc.

I re-newed my Regus deal 8 months ago after a 6 month contract, then the economy drove my business into the duldrums. I gave notice in February that I was going to vacate and vacated in March. I paid March rent but sent in 2 secret shoppers in late March. They were NOT shown my space. I am a sole proprietor and the agreement was signed in the company's name and written in the company's name. There is NO personal gurarantee on the agreement. I offered them a 75% buyout and they said no. Anybody else experience anything like this?


We moved into Regus HQ in Tulsa, OK in Nov. 2006. The whole time we rented our office space there they seemed to come up with misc. charges for all kinds of things. When we moved out they charged us $2000 and they couldn't tell us what all the charges were even for! And then put a late charge on our bill while they were taking forever to research what our charges were. Here we are, 5 months after we moved out, and we just received ANOTHER invoice for postage and supplies from our "Business Continuation" fee that we were unaware of when we signed the contract. This is a charge for them to forward your mail (You don't have a choice, all the mail that comes is listed as one suite, so you can't intercept @ the post office) not only do they charge to forward your mail, they charge YOU for the postage and supplies that they use. Now we are paying $200 on a $35 postage charge because they slapped two late fees after not billing us on time. Oh, did I mention, it's 5 months later and we haven't received our deposit back from when we moved in?? I would NEVER recommend Regus/HQ to anyone.


I used to work for Regus and I have to concur that unfortunately, what is written above is true. Please know that with the economy turning, the pressure on managers to gloss over key areas of the contract and then hide behind the fine print will increase. Previously, managers were allowed to discuss those fees. Most did, some did not. The explosion of complaints, I believe, is a direct result of the pressure they are now feeling to sell at any cost - customers be danged. Once you're in you're in and that is the stance that the company will take. I left after years with this company when I finally got tired of fighting against such practices, as have many other managers in the last 8-12 months. Sadly, many of the people who put customers first are no longer there. go to careerbuilder - they can't hire people fast enough to stop the bleeding. I count myself as one of the lucky ones having left early enough to escape the new initiatives that severely reduce incentives, encourage infighting and poor customer management. This company had the potential to be great but is being driven into the ground by fear and greed. If you need to sign a contract with a Regus/HQ building, please read the contract thoroughly and ASK ABOUT EVERY SINGLE FEE LISTED AND EVERY DEADLINE FOR RENEWAL. It appears more likely than not from the comments above that they will not review it and you will certainly end up paying for it. HQ was a great company once. It's sad to see what it's become.

Regus asked for nearly $3600 in security deposit for a 3 month contract. Mark Green, the incompetent manager at 5 Penn Plaza assured me that every single penny would be returned. In mid-March, I upgraded my office from a $1200/month room to $2100/month room. During my upgrade, Mark Green told me that he would waive any fees associated with the upgrade.

To my surprise, I received a $2400 bill for the month of March (I expected to receive a $1650 bill since I moved mid-march). I asked Mark Green what had happened. He told me that he wasn't sure, but that he had spent two hours last night adjusting my bill – the nightmare had begun.

When Mark Green was unable to resolve my bill on April (after coming back with many excuses that he didn't have time to look over my bill), I told him that since my 3 month contract would come to an end on May 1st, I was prepared to leave if he cannot deal with my bill.

Mark Green, frustrated at his lack of understanding of his own company's billing system, delegated his duty to Cathy DeFrenza, another manager who didn't understand her own company's billing system. Cathy assured me that she was prepared to resolve my bill that same day. I was very happy to hear that.

Of course, Cathy disappeared. She was on jury duty for over two weeks. After contacting Mark Green to ask what had happened, I was repeatedly told that Cathy would give me a call. Cathy never did. On June 1st, Mark Green told me that he was no longer in charge of my bill and that the responsibility had been elevated to Regus corporate headquarter.

I called Regus corporate headquarter and another employee who had no idea why Mark Green had forwarded this information answered my call. She informed me that I was being charged a $1000 business continuation fee and that my security deposit will not be returned until I've resolved my account. There was no hope left. I had no one to speak to about my overcharged bill on the month of March. Regus also charged me $300 wear and tear fee for an office I had used for three months. The office was practically brand new when I left

So here's my advice: don't go to Regus if you want an honest billing system. I found that there are much better offices with windows (mine had none). If you put in $3600 security deposit, know that you will probably get $1000 back or NOTHING AT ALL.


I confirm this as well. I was a fool and signed two agreements with them. The first was for an office for $600 a month. *I never paid less than $1200* for that lease. At the end, I was hit with an $800 virtual continuation feel. I then really needed an office for reasons that don’t matter, so I signed a 3 month contract for $205 a month for basically a broom closet. It turned into a 4 month contract because they don’t count partial months as part of the terms and of course I never paid less than $525 a month for that lease. I had to extend it once and of course went for an extra 4 months instead of three. Well, After the 5th month I moved to a more traditional office and figured I'd just cancel the extra phone and internet charges and just eat the $205 fee for the rest of the lease. They told me that I couldn’t cancel the phone or internet and it was in my contact! I was so disgusted I haven't even looked at the contract again to see what rabbit they're pulling out of their hat (like the virtual continuation). I figured the hell with them and I’ll never ever do business with them again.

OH! My lease is paid via credit card. Well, last month (my LAST month w/ them ever, thank god), my credit card was declined. They charged me a credit card declined fee!!! hahaha have you ever heard of such things!! These people have some nerve to say the least.

I confirm this as well. I was a fool and signed two agreements with them. The first was for an office for $600 a month. *I never paid less than $1200* for that lease. At the end, I was hit with an $800 virtual continuation feel. I then really needed an office for reasons that don’t matter, so I signed a 3 month contract for $205 a month for basically a broom closet. It turned into a 4 month contract because they don’t count partial months as part of the terms and of course I never paid less than $525 a month for that lease. I had to extend it once and of course went for an extra 4 months instead of three. Well, After the 5th month I moved to a more traditional office and figured I'd just cancel the extra phone and internet charges and just eat the $205 fee for the rest of the lease. They told me that I couldn’t cancel the phone or internet and it was in my contact! I was so disgusted I haven't even looked at the contract again to see what rabbit they're pulling out of their hat (like the virtual continuation). I figured the hell with them and I’ll never ever do business with them again.

OH! My lease is paid via credit card. Well, last month (my LAST month w/ them ever, thank god), my credit card was declined. They charged me a credit card declined fee!!! hahaha have you ever heard of such things!! These people have some nerve to say the least.


HQ Global Workplaces/Regus Group Complaints –
Fraud, Employee Theft of Identity

HQ Global Workplaces/Regus Group

Fraud, Employee Theft of Identity

I recently returned from my military mission in Iraq as one of the thousands USA soldiers and thankful to be joined again with my family, but worried about how I would support them. I borrowed $1350 from a loved one and then went to add the funds to my bank account. Within minutes, I discovered that a company named HQ Global Workplaces had charged my account $326.00. When I called my card company to inquire and dispute the charges, they suggested I first call the merchant. When I called the merchant (HQ Global Workplaces) they informed me that they had charged my card because someone using a different name other than mine, had ordered some type of virtual office service. They refused to refund the money to my card even though I told them that I was not the one who made the transactions. I offered them proof of my identity and even offered to send them a photocopy of my id and my credit card to show that the name on my card is not the name that was used to make the transaction. I also offered to provide them with I had just returned from the military and could not have possibly made the transaction. I will unfortunately have to spend more time and money in taking them to court 'but in the meantime, I still am out of $1350 and my rent is due.


Exclusion and limitation clauses - Commercial contracts AND THE FRAUDULENT REGUS STRATEGIES
In our June 2007 commercial update, we reported the decision in Regus (UK) Ltd -v- Epcot Solutions Ltd [2007] EWHC 938 (Comm) in which an exclusion clause in the supplier's standard terms was held to be unreasonable under section 3 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA). The court reached this view on the grounds that the clause left the customer, Epcot, with no real remedy for breach of contract. In a recent judgment ([2008] EWCA Civ 361), the Court of Appeal upheld the clause and it is important to understand why.
Epcot, a small IT training provider, rented high quality serviced office accommodation from Regus for a number of years but the relationship was marred by a number of problems, including the inadequacy of the air-conditioning system in the premises which ultimately led to Epcot claiming substantial damages. Regus attempted to rely on the exclusion clause in its standard terms, the relevant parts of which were as follows:
"We will not in any circumstances have any liability for loss of business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of or damage to data, third party claims or any consequential loss. [The customer was advised to insure accordingly.] We will be liable ... up to a maximum equal to 125 per cent of the total fees paid under your agreement ... or £50, 000 (whichever is the higher), in respect of all other losses, damages, expenses or claims."
In the Court of Appeal, Rix LJ held that the trial judge had erred as to the scope of the clause and Epcot's available remedies. Rix LJ pointed out that the obvious and primary measure of loss for the defective air-conditioning is the diminution in value of the services provided - i.e. the difference between the value of air-conditioned offices and non-air-conditioned offices. Although the first limb of the clause excluded some heads of loss, notably loss of profits and consequential loss, it left this primary measure of loss untouched.
It was argued that the first limb was unreasonable because it operated "in any circumstances", i.e. even in the case of Regus's fraud or deliberate acts. This was a misconstruction. Liability for fraud or malice would always be accepted because parties contract with each other in the expectation of honest dealing. Extreme or remote possibilities like these should not be the primary focus when assessing clauses for reasonableness.
Looking at the UCTA reasonableness factors, Rix LJ pointed out that Epcot's CEO was an intelligent and experienced businessman who was well aware of Regus's standard terms and used a similar exclusion himself. There was no inequality of bargaining power, as shown by negotiating patterns and Epcot's obvious awareness of alternative providers. As for insurance, it would have been far easier for Epcot to insure against the losses mentioned in the first limb. Overall, the first limb met the requirement of reasonableness and the figures of the higher of 125 per cent or £50, 000 specified in the second limb were, in fact, described as "generous".
The trial judge had originally stated that the first part of the clause could not be severed and therefore the whole thing failed. By the time of the appeal, it had been conceded that severability was possible, allowing the second limb to remain intact. Rix LJ approved this approach, despite the fact that the clause was not divided into separate sub-clauses, because the two limbs were clearly independent of each other and served different purposes (i.e. one excluding liability, and the other limiting it).
Anyone whose standard terms include a cap of this type will be reassured by the Court of Appeal's stance. Lawyers, too, can distil some drafting guidance from the judgment. In particular, clauses should be split into separate sub-clauses, wherever possible, with clear numbering to differentiate them, and drafted so that they are capable of standing alone if one part is struck out. This should be supported by a severability clause in the boiler plate.




Regus / Office Rental Complaints - Bait and switch

Regus / Office Rental

Bait and switch

Prior to signing of my contract with Regus, Mark Sinclair (General Manager) assured me there would not be any additional fees/hidden fees. I was informed by a competitor that Regus had hidden fees and not to go with them during my research of finding a temp office space. My contract was for 3 months. During the last week of my contract I emailed and personally asked the Operations manager, Marybeth Catinella if I had to sign, review, final walk through, and anything else prior to my last date so that I do not get any other charges then what I have already paid. Marybeth Catinella said "dont worry about it, everything is fine" and that I should receive my deposit in 30 days. On the 30th day I receive an invoice for $1032.50. After further research I found out the contract had a clause with NO FEE SCHEDULE about "continuing business" setup. I asked Mark Sinclair about the fee and he just email replying "I just received word back from my boss that Regus cannot waive the business continuity charges that are outlined in section 23 of the terms and conditions of the service agreement."
I'm a small business owner. Every dollar matters! I received a PROMISE from the General Manager assuring me there will be no other fee then the $600 per month and assured me his competitor was lying. When I asked the Operations Manager if I needed to do anything to assure my full deposit with no other charges, she stated "dont worry about it, everything is fine".
I should have ended my contract when I received my 1st invoice with a higher agreed fee of $600 BUT again I was sold by the General Manager, Mark Sinclair.
I am very upset that I was deceived and not told all the information by the General Manager and the Operations Manager (Mark Sinclair and Marybeth Catinell).
I want to warn others of Regus's hidden fees and bait and switch sales tactic.


More Clients Comments about Fraud Techniques of Regus & the CEO Mark Dixon

141 days ago by Sara S
+1 Votes

Regus is the BIGGEST rip off in the world. They charged us than here in Cupertino for one YEAR of membership and the place closed down right after. Now, they have scamed us of our money and no refunds are issued.



119 days ago by twinkle1000
+1 Votes

Yes I totally agree I am having murder with one in the UK at the moment who have provided an absolute sham of a service and wont do a thing about it having a huge detriment on my business!!! Steer clear of Regus
69 days ago by IhateRegus
+1 Votes

I concur about everything that has been stated! We were hit by the same charges unknown to us! They are scams and something has got to be illegal about what they're doing.

I agree, stay clear of Regus.
9 days ago by Hardworker
+1 Votes

Me too. I've been in business for 10 years and signing up for a year with Regus has proved to be the biggest mistake I've made. I'd like to agree that they are the BIGGEST rip off in the world - please please read and then read again anything you sign with them and they are also a sham of a service.

I'd strongly advise others not to make the mistake I made by signing up with them.

And yes, I'd love to sue them. I also have a good case. Does anyone have Mark Dixons email address? He is the CEO of this absymal Company.
9 days ago by Hardworker
+1 Votes

Me too. I've been in business for 10 years and signing up for a year with Regus has proved to be the biggest mistake I've made. I'd like to agree that they are the BIGGEST rip off in the world - please please read and then read again anything you sign with them and they are also a sham of a service.

I'd strongly advise others not to make the mistake I made by signing up with them.

And yes, I'd love to sue them. I also have a good case. Does anyone have Mark Dixons email address? He is the CEO of this absymal Company.


Regus Business Centers are Fraud Centers

Posted: 2009-03-10 by

Poor Service

I am an attorney on a tight budget with little time to deal with office-type issues, which is why I opted for the Regus Business Centers in Chicago. The ads are nice and show happy, content clients. What a lie! From slow/freezing internet/server issues to poorly trained staff and nasty management, I would not wish this work environment on anyone. The situation only got worse when construction began in the building (b/c the Merc left) and I requested Regus' assistance in enforcing the building agreement that no drilling or loud pounding take place between 8am - 5pm. Such noise made it difficult to conduct phone conferences and for clients to visit. Regus' solution: move to a new office in the Regus family ... nevermind that March is the BUSIEST and most maddening month for my type of law practice. I don't have time to move!

Today, while I informed Tara (30 S. Wacker manager) and Lynn (assistant manager) that I am extremely busy and do not have time to deal with the issue of moving offices due to the construction noise at the location, both nonetheless – and despite my request that they simply do their jobs and end the excessive noise - opted to ‘drop by’ to further discuss. As I reiterated my need to leave the office to get work done (and was in the process of packing up to go work at home), the conversation grew heated and I asked Lynn to leave (as she was the one who misrepresented that the construction noise would end on Friday of last week). Lynn then informed me (in Tara’s presence) that the office was “her office, too” and refused to leave. If this is the case, then what have I been paying for??? If I am not allowed a private (or even semi-private) space, then I do not think we are seeing eye-to-eye on the meaning of an office. I also did not appreciate Tara’s snarky comments that she “didn’t hear anything” while in the office and that “no other clients have complained.” Note ... that last one is a whopper (not at all true).

When the building inspector and police stopped by last week, the noises were audible – as they were when I sent each e-mail to Tara and Lynn documenting the noise. I experienced all of 15 minutes of quiet in the office since 9:15 am today, and then later when the noise subsided after 11:00 am when Tara and Lynn, uninvited, interrupted my work.

I am voicing dissatisfaction with the way construction noise complaints have been handled at this location and the general attitude and confrontational nature of the manager. I have made little progress speaking with persons from Regus on the phone lines and doubt I will make much progress until my lease is up in October.

I would not recommend Regus to another attorney – not after today.


50 days ago by Lewis
0 Votes

It has Regus written all over it. We have experienced real issues with this office provider; the level of service for one is exceptionally poor.

We'd recommend that you dispute the invoices because you too have expectations.
10 hours 21 minutes ago by Houston_Engineer12
0 Votes

In addtion and to others considering using Regus beware, they are deceptive in that they do not completely disclose terms.
In my case I had requested a flat 3 month term as I needed a temporary office/meeting room for 1 meeting.
Their Agent, agreed that they could do this and that at my discretion, services could be expanded and/or renewed. After 45 days passed, I contacted them to make sure they understood that my term was for 3 months and no longer. Their response was that accordding to the terms of the contract, I owed them a 60 day notice prior to termination or the contract automaticaly renewed. After re-reading the fine print of the contract I noticed that this was indeed, stated. I offered to pay an additional 30 days lease to satisfy the notice however they refused.
Also stated in the contract was that upon renewel rates may change without notice...

There are a number of consumer complaints and Regus is not an accredited (or very credible) company.

• Location: Phoenix : AZ : United States
About Me
A former (recently) 2+year tenant of the PV Center in Phoenix. Months of issues with poor maintenance, no internet for days, poor staff response and amenities that did not work. Negotiated out of the contract early, however then to be charged $750/Mo for phone transfers and answering I did not have while a tenant and mail forwarding that had already been transferred. To date - no mail has been forwarded and we have been out of the facvility for over two weeks. Instead of a $100/station charge (we had two stations) - we were assessed $375 for moving out. Anyone have issues like this?

"Others Who Have Been Bound By Contract"
6 Comments - Show Original PostCollapse comments
Anonymous said...
We had the exact same problem. Regus referred us to paragraph 23 of the agreement in mice type. $100 per workstation for wear and tear and an additional 825 for a business continuation that we didn’t even use. Also, the deposit takes months to get back. We will never lease from Regus again.
December 14, 2007 8:38 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> said...
This is complaint about Los Angeles (Regus/HQ) charged me extra services without consulting with me first to my card on file they wouldn't refund my money on my request and even says that I need to keep the services for 3 months!!!. They will try and sign you up for a long term contract which will bind you to their costly and ineffective service for what initially appears to be a discounted fee that will cost you greatly later. I never able to get in touch with a decent manager and its impossible to close the account once established. that was a big mistake to sign up with this guys and I lost lots of business because of them. Their system seem to be built on commissions to unsuccessful real estate agents so their is no interest in giving good service or long term relationship marketing but selling as high as possible. save yourself and go somewhere else.
March 18, 2009 6:57 PM

Our company was opening a new office in Nashville, TN, and we had been searching for a small office space to accommodate our two employees. While doing research, we came across the Regus Group, offering us an all-inclusive package in one convenient monthly bill. This was an ideal plan for us. We began our relationship with Regus in October 2008, and after just one month, we were highly disappointed. We began seeing charges for services that were priced much higher than the area average. Getting in touch with the General Manager at that location was nearly impossible. Emails were sent and phone calls placed, and were not returned for days when there was an urgent need for a response. After being disappointed in so many ways, we decided to terminate our relationship with Regus, and move to the private sector where terms were a bit better, and the bills would be more manageable. We received our final bill from Regus, and saw charges that we never agreed to pay. Regus wanted to charge us a “Business Continuation” fee, which, when looking over the T&C, there was nothing specified that we would be charged for something like that. We had no qualms about paying an exit fee, as this is standard, but we were charged an exorbitant amount. While we could have paid a cleaning service somewhere in the amount of $75.00 to clean the office, Regus charged us more than double that price. We felt really let down by Regus, and will never do business with them again, nor refer anyone to their offices.
March 31, 2009 8:02 AM

Regus is crooked and dishonest and you should never sign with them. They sell you on the flexibility and in all in one package that will save you money. They use a terms and conditions she in microscopic print that contains things like an "automatic renewal". Regus is dispicable and I suspect very soon they will face a class action lawsuit for their shady ways. The use low cost uneducated people to answer the phone that are far from professional. They will never follow up with you near renewal hoping you will miss the automatic renewal and be forced into a whole new term. NEVER, EVER use Regus!!!
June 2, 2009 8:53 PM
Anonymous said...
I work for regus in Australia and it is shit
June 9, 2009 3:04 AM

It has been reported through various reliable sources and ex-Regus clients as well as ex-employees that the REGUS GROUP/HQ MANAGEMENT GROUP is under criminal investigation for fraud, stealing of clients funds, non-delivery of services and falsification of documents. The list of client and ex-employee complains is getting longer everyday.

Should you consider using their office services THINK TWICE before you part with your money. These international scam artists will do EVERYTHING not to deliver their services after they collected your payments.

It further appears that the Regus Group will be filing for bankruptcy very soon, due to the fact that thousands of customer payments have been collected but clients have not seen any professional services in return.

Their global network looks at the first glance impressive, however the “small prints” in their contracts are so clever written that even if they do NOT deliver the office services as contractually agreed on, the client is left ‘hanging in the air’ without any possibility to receive his money refunded.

The Regus managers “in charge” are suddenly “un-available” to solve any problems and the client is “dragged over the floor” for months with “excuse letters” but no improvement of service takes place. Cancellation of contracts are simply “ignored” and requests refunds due to breach of contract by the Regus Group are ignored too.

Instead the client receives invoices for services he never ever ordered or signed for. Or invoices are sent from the Regus Group, which are dated months before the service contract was even signed. This is outright fraud and the therefore this scam operation must be stopped immediately.


IF YOU HAVE EVER DEALT WITH REGUS AND YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE A VICTIM TOO, please contact our Investigative Journalist Team.


Hundreds of (Ex) Employees of the corrupt Regus Group, owned by Mark Dixon report on fraudulent business techniques, lousy customer support and a horrible working environment. Our advice: RUN!!!

Host What do you think -- is this company going to survive and thrive? Are they looking to expand their staff, or do you think layoffs are inevitable?
How does Regus/HQ stack up against the competition?
Reply - Report abuse

Deisi T. in Dallas, Texas
27 months ago I agree. Regus / HQ has a very toxic working environment. Very poor customer care and full of idiots. Not many people stay long, that's why there are so many opening in this company.
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M. Dixon in Dallas, Texas
27 months ago Definitely not a company to waste your precious time!
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M. Sorum in Dallas, Texas
27 months ago I agree! This company is making a killing off their employee's. If I had no other alternatives, I would rather work at a fast food place. AT least there you will get a little respect and a discounted or free lunch...
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Yankees in New York, New York
8 months ago Hard Worker in Dallas, Texas said: Don't work for this company! I have never seen a HR department so paralysed and disrepectful! The management does not know how to treat employee.
Regus / HQ sucks!
True! I thought it was just a NYC thing. But obviously it isn't. To get ahead you have to be a backstabbing gossipy bitter hussy.
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The Rooster of Illusion in Margaritaville, Oregon
5 months ago Hard Worker in Dallas, Texas said: Don't work for this company! I have never seen a HR department so paralysed and disrepectful! The management does not know how to treat employee.
Regus / HQ sucks!
Do NOT work for this company. I am currently employed by this firm and it has been a huge dissappointment all around. The Area Director in our Region has not left her home in years and only visits the business centers to conduct quarterly audits. Lazy, ABRUPT WOMAN.
The HR Department is serving to protect the COMPANY not the employees. Corporate are paper pushers; those in the field in the business centers are the ones who actually work. If you are looking, LOOK ELSEWHERE.
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The Rooster of Illusion in Margaritaville, Oregon
5 months ago Yankees in New York, New York said: True! I thought it was just a NYC thing. But obviously it isn't. To get ahead you have to be a backstabbing gossipy bitter hussy.
The entire firm gossips. The Area Director in our Area Gossips to her General Managers about OTHER General Managers who of course share the Area Directors ABRUPT words amongst each other. Horrible Horrible atmosphere. If you work in this company, do the best you can in your business center until you can find another job.
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The Rooster of Illusion in Margaritaville, Oregon
5 months ago Host said: What do you think -- is this company going to survive and thrive? Are they looking to expand their staff, or do you think layoffs are inevitable?
How does Regus/HQ stack up against the competition?
They are on the way to another financial disaster if they do not cut out the middle men, paper pushing, useless higher-ups.
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Olympia in Dallas, Texas
5 months ago Olympia in Dallas, Texas said: I was a recent victim of Regus HQ. I want to agree and confirm everything that Deis T. said about it being a toxic environment, and they are all paralysed and desrespect others. They are also an unstructured environment with no true training guidelines, and the HR Office is in Addison, so if a new employee makes one honest mistake and that employee knows it can be corrected, you won't have enough time to report to HR that you were written up unjustifiably. Also, I was promised a "complete and extensive training tool called brainsharks". Suddenly it was stopped because the center Operations Manager went on a leave of absence for one month. Then suddenly the GM didn't have time to train me and I was suddently learning things by improv. Basically, they blamed me for not learning "fast enough." Hello, I'd only been there for a couple of months and they were making this accusation.
The managers also backstab, so don't be chummy with them should you accept this challenge. However They don't care if certain people learn differently also. It's definitely not a great environment, especially if you have catty and selfish women working above you. If you decide to take on this challenge, just watch out for the managers and the receptionist in the building. The receptionist is just as bad.
I also agree with Deisi T that the HR Dept is also paralysed and don't treat people with respect. The last day that the operations manager said, "We need to see you" was the only day I ever met the HR Manager. During the meeting the HR Manager was coarse and disrespectful. I tried my best to explain that I was not trained correctly as I should have been during the absence of the Operations Manager, and naturally she took their side, so I quit on this day.
If you are making a final decision on getting hired here, think twice. Basically, don't work for Regus HQ Las Colinas. Kudos to you if you accept this challenge; just don't be friends with them.
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BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago Very toxic work environment! I predict that they will be bankrupt in 3 years. If you are working for Regus and experiencing its oppression, believe in yourself and quit! It's NOT worth your health. You were created to be intelligent, fulfilling, and moral. I don't know the leadership of this company, but I see its rotten fruit and it stinks to high heaven. There will be 1 of 2 responses to our posts: either the owners of Regus will get furious and seek further suppression or their eyes may be opened that they have a pandemic problem on their hand.
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regusintexas in houston, Texas
2 months ago BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas said: Very toxic work environment! I predict that they will be bankrupt in 3 years. If you are working for Regus and experiencing its oppression, believe in yourself and quit! It's NOT worth your health. You were created to be intelligent, fulfilling, and moral. I don't know the leadership of this company, but I see its rotten fruit and it stinks to high heaven. There will be 1 of 2 responses to our posts: either the owners of Regus will get furious and seek further suppression or their eyes may be opened that they have a pandemic problem on their hand.
somebody sounds like they are a bit psycho on this site, it's a place to vent and share your stories, but dude you have serious issues...putting a comment every five minutes is a bit much.. I get on this site every now and then to keep in touch with what is going on with the company, not to listen to somebody rant the same message on every page...I think a valium is what you need, ..this company sucks..WE KNOW...but I don't get obsessive about it, find some "me time" away from this place you need it!, lol
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BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago I'm not sure if you have a particular agenda, but I wanted to be sure that every forum related to Regus has my comments. Anyway, it's not really even about me. There's a difference between a company "sucking" as you say and doing injustices that borderline "illegal". If I appear overly dramatic, it's because I'm just matching the company's own outrageousness. Everyone has their own way of expressing their feelings. By the way, no thanks to the offer of valium. I prefer to be drug free. Anyway, I don't even work for the company but my wife is going to be gone in less than 2 weeks. I doubt you work for the management of Regus, but I do get a little suspicious when people "beat up" on the victims. Maybe your experience has not been as extreme. So instead of calling someone psycho, you ought to question what is fostering so much animosity toward this company.
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appginger in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago maybe it's not the company.Maybe someone needs to learn how to do their job the RIGHT way. Weather they let you go or made you leave on your own..GET OVER IT and move on! NObody is "abusing" or "beating up" on anyone.
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BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago "Nobody is abusing or beating up on anyone"??
To be able to make such a definite blanket statement, it's obvious you work for Regus management. This is a prime of example of the abusive management who work for this company.
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appginger in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas said: "Nobody is abusing or beating up on anyone"??
To be able to make such a definite blanket statement, it's obvious you work for Regus management. This is a prime of example of the abusive management who work for this company.
No.I don't work for Regus Management but that is how you described it in your other posts. I will say that this company has always treated me with respect.
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BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago Sure, as if you would actually admit that you work for the management...Your blanket statement is really suspicious.
Do you mean that the "company" has treated you with respect or your direct manager? Perhaps you have a good manager, but it's obvious that there are serious problems with this company.
Do you really believe it's coincidence that so many people are reporting this all over the country? It means that it has bad practices and people are merely reporting their experiences. The company can try all it can to villanize the messenger, but people can still see the truth.
Overloading an employee with unreasonable workloads and then demanding that they clock out AT 5:00pm and not beyond is an abusive practice. I believe it's probably illegal. When an employee is willing to work beyond 5:00pm for a few days, then they are scolded for working over 40 hours. If you can't see the dilemma here, then it's obvious you have an agenda on this board.
Or perhaps you work at a smaller office where such workloads are not so demanding. Decisions for hiring extra personel come from the higher management. So if the workload is unreasonable and no one else is being hired, it means that they are setting their employee up for failure. The only one could possibly defend such a ridiculous practice is the management.
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appginger in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago It's not so much the management that overload you with work it's the clients. If something has to be done and 5 comes around and your not finished you can stay and finish for the client. There will be no problem as long as the time is accounted for and charged back to the client for the overtime that was worked. I do work for the company but I'm certainly not management. I do beleive the company has issues but if you don't work for the company how do you really know what going on in that office? I mean all you know is what your wife tells you and of course you're going to take her side she is your wife and I would do the same but I'm just saying no one is perfect so how do you know she is doing nothing wrong, not making mistakes or not working efficiently enough to get stuff done in a timely manner. I've been scold at before for making mistakes but I learn from them.
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BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago It's the management that does the hiring! So if there is too much work from the clients and no one wants to hire additional employees, then that's the company's fault. Understand? I think you're smart enough to get that.
Instead, they want to work their employees like slaves. Example of the stupidity: the management removed a "Please pickup dishes" sign. All they have to do is put it in the dishwasher. The effort of doing that versus the sink is no different. But we don't live in an age of common sense or reason. So now my wife has to spend 20 minutes each day doing the dishes. That would be completely fine if you weren't swamped with work.
As for making mistakes, ambiguous discipline forms that say "on several occasions" and on "various incidents" are pathetic. She was written up supposedly for a client complaint. Well, the same client gave her his business card to keep in touch and apparently, they completely twisted what he said. It's this type of immature, passive aggressive management that is running the company into the ground.
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PK L in New York, New York
2 months ago BryanOllet...THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS! It looks like we have SEVERAL Regus nimwits stalking the usual, I'm not surprised. Please continue to post, as this is helpful for future potential employees.
Hopefully the desperate individuals that are taking low blows at you wise up.
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BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago My wife and I finally figured it out! The company is abusing its employees in order to force them to quit. Oh wait, let me say it in a more politically correct corporate way: "Market conditions demand more productivity from existing workforce. Any employees who leave do not pose a risk and may enhanve corporate profit as new employees are paid less."
If you want to be a slave, the Regus Group is a great company! If you want to be micromanaged every second of the day, it's a great opportunity. If you are a good employee, they allow several bathroom breaks even (2 total). LOL...and if you're fortunate enough, you will not be blamed when the phone system malfunctions.
It's interesting how when a manager makes a certain mistake, you NEVER hear anything else about. But if you do, oh, hell and heaven will fall upon you.
Twice I did right,
That I heard never,
Once I did wrong,
That I heard ever!
The Regus Group is having record profit years, but it's coming at a major cost. OH yeah everyone, the Regus Group is making RECORD profits if you look at their public financial statements. Good thing that they are cutting your bonuses...
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BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago The Regus Group Financial Standing
While they cut back on your pay and paralyze raises...check this out
Revenues up by 24.9%.
Gross profit up by 21.4%
Profit after tax $114.9 million
Profit after tax $103.6 million
If your pay is being reduced, rest assured that the money is going to good use. The Regus owners and executives really appreciate it.
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Bill Anderson in Florida in Miami, Florida
2 months ago Bryan,
I KNOW exactly who you are. You left the Miami branch 5 years ago because you are disgruntled and couldn't perform your job. The Regus Group is a fine organization. For goodness sake, you're not even married! Your fiance left you because your're a total jerk!
You need to get over your psycho issues. You're not even in Dallas. You live in Missouri but I won't say much more. If you push more though, I'll post your personal information.
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truthfully in Austin, Texas
2 months ago Okay, I was sent the link on this site and frankly I'm not surprised but want to let Bill in Miami know... THIS PERSON...NOT from another disgruntled Bryan IN TEXAS and yep he has a wife.
Those at fault scream the loudest it seems. Bryan can vent and post all he wants, but incompetence is very easy to explain.
If a pattern occurs, it's probably the truth..employers consistently opress, abuse, mistreat, micromanage, overwork your wife? hmmmm might want to reconsider where the fault lies describe "work your butt off" should work with her...
1. CLIENTS LOVE HER, ya think?...take a poll and ask around yourself...
2. Overworked: you didn't list anything that showed this woman was you or she know what real work is, I'd like to see an actual list of unreasonable work need to actaully perform more than four tasks a day? sounds like a REAL case for being "illegal" LOL... READ the job description...lack of motivation perhaps?
3. Passive, overly used term..was this your father you are describing?
4. She is leaving the company..why do you care so much...scared her money will leave you poor? are on this post 24/7. If you were as intense in actually working as you are in "blogging" on this site and providing public information everyone already has, you might actually make some money. It's actually a real concept most people learn in college: Hire employees, make them actually WORK, and then lo and behold...MAKE A PROFIT...scary huh? Cut back on pay?? what on earth are you talking about? Nothing worse than someone venting about information that is not valid...kind of comical.
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BryanOllet in Dallas, Texas
2 months ago LOL! This is totally hilarious. Obviously this is some MANAGER who is making such definite statements about a situation that he knows absolutely NOTHING about. This is a perfect example of how conclusions are irresponsibly tossed around. This is precisely why my wife quit. BINGO!
Did everyone take note of the passive aggressive comment "was this your father you are describing?" This would anger 99% of the people, but this is a classic manipulation attempt by the passive aggressive personality. This is the way these people think.
Notice the other comment "scared about being poor?" This is irrational fear mongering to make the employee feel that they have no choice. Who says I'm not already very poor? ha! It's a lie that the world teaches us that life is only about money. Life is actually about the relationships you make with people and the contribution you make to their lives. One of my wife's managers was totally awesome. Life will reward her.
This other comment about "polling the office if people like her"...
Does everyone see the insecurity that this is trying to engender? Passive aggressive people LOVE office gossip.
Oh, I just LOVE your comment about educating me on making a profit. Belittling and condescending comments are also classic tactics. If you don't understand passive aggressiveness, google it. You'll understand more.
In conclusion, you can either empower people to feel good about themselves or you can try to take away their power. People always reap what they sow. When you sow maliciousness, life has an interesting way of having it come back upon your head.
"Truthfully in Austin", wherever you really manage your office, just stop and think about how you are thinking. You know, it won't actually harm your health to respect your employees. Only an ignorant person would make comments about a situation they know nothing about. But if you run your office like you sound on here, may God help them all.
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Southern_Girl in The South, Texas
2 months ago Truthfully and Bill Anderson - you are both idiots. This is a job forum and if Bryan Ollet and New York want to talk about what is occurring inside the workplace they can. Regus had made significant changes in its structure. My opinion is that the changes are HUGE MISTAKES and many employees are disgruntled - and have a right to pos

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