Back in May of this year (2009), a tenant renting our apartment caused severe fire damage to he interior and ewxterior of he apartment we own at 3129 Occidental Drive, Apt 2. It also caused structural damage to the unit above. We have paid a monthly association fee, and thus far, have not been able to capitalize of this investment. We have made repeated phone calls to a Miss Angela West here in Sacramento, California to provide answers, bids, and a resolution to this situation. The unit has been uninhabitable since 30 May 2009, and we are footing the fee for this unit. I have left a message for her on Tuesday, 3 November 2009, and she has not returned my call. My sister called this morning and Angela West in fact answered the phone call, however, she would no give any information to my siser, and informed my siser that she would not return my call. She is obligated to speak to the owner only. Why? Why has she not returned any calls to the "owner" (my father). He iimediately called her this morning (5 November 2009), and she was on the other line, and I can almost guarentee, she will not return his call.
We need resolution, her involvement is necessary in order for my father to move forward. It is our understanding that the association is responsible for paint out, and weare responsible for paint in, however, we cannot move forward until the strutural assessment has been completed.
I implore who ever is responsible to contact us as we are gettig increasingly concerned, and inpatient.
Please contact my father at 916-383-1624, or myself (Ricci, his son) at 916-704-3255, or email; [email protected].
Thank you
Ricci Taverna
o/b of Joseph Taverna