Reliance Complaints - Reliance Communications fraud with me
I suggestall of you not to got for reliance wi-max connection because the support provided by them is worst. It's worst than government support.
i terminated my connection on 22-02-2009 i hv terminate slip for this.
After that this fraud company is sending bill till now . i also got a bill 27/6/09. Last time when i was
checking my all paid bills i saw bill paid to Reliance after that i complaint to Reliance and complaint no. is 101018784 on date 16/6/09 for refund my old bills. Customer care say me after this you will not get any bill and we will refund your money now this time i can't check because system is down.Today 27/6/09 i call again same line "now this time i can't check because system is down" compliant no. is 102257155. If your system is down what can you provide us. First manage yourself and then provide services to people you f***cing company.
But still i hv no refund also bills are coming what a F**cing company. If the person infornt me i will beat that bastered who is doing so.
Shame on Reliance Support...
My details are below:-
Clearpath Technology
Ac No.:- 100109213999
Concern Person:- Suraj Choudhary(System Admin)
Tel No. :- 9911117805
Email:- [email protected]
Recent bill No. :- 281744260349
Billling acc :- 100000109819382
16/6/09 compliant No.:- 101018784 Solving time 24hrs (No result)
27/6/09 compliant No.:- 102257155 Solving time 78hrs