The Manager,
My self is Manish Kumar Gupta & my Reliance GSM Mobile No. is 9555338007. Last Month you deducted in my balance Rs.10/- & now this month you deducted Rs.30/-.
Last month i call your customer center they can't give me proper reply. I think ok no problem it is not so much that why i ignore that. But this month again you deducted Rs.30/-. Again i call your customer care then i talk with Ms. Kusum on 26July2010 at 11.15AM she say that Audio Talk is activated. she say that i use multimedia set & i activated it . I request that i m not use multimedia set i am using only nokia-1200. it's not a multimedia set. & she can't register my complained . Than i again call you customer center that time Mr. Rajesh talk to me. He say that he note my complained & he gave me my complained number it's 1884717016.
I request that you refund my full money, because i am not activated Audio Talk & this number is only use by me. If you not satisfied that you can check your records. Please explain that why you activate it in my number & why you not inform me. Now i want my money. You a very big company & you have also very goodwill. So why you do as chip & fraud act. That thing it's not good for your business. If people know that think he can't believe in your business. Why you do as cheap act. If you want to do your work as a beggar for that it's another way and now you want collect money this way so i will pay you more money.
I thought that reliance know for the better opportunity provide for the customer but I am wrong & every person who know that this matter he can't believe on you.
Thank you.
With regards,
Manish Kumar Gupta